|| Morpho All Model Biometric setting, ayushman bharat, Ayushman Bharat Bis Portal , rd service, rd service||
If we talk about Ayushman Bharat with CSC, then almost every VLE of Ayushman Bharat BIS PORTAL has started.
Ayushman Bharat Bis Portal Morpho All Model Biometric setting in Chrome: –
Chu Ayushman Bharat BIS PORTAL I am currently facing problems in verification of beneficiary through mobile OTP, verification is mandatory to make golden card, verification of beneficiary is KYC.
In this post you will be told about the Morpho l Biometric setting in Chrome , read every STEP carefully and FOLLOW .
1. First of all you need to make sure that your CHROME is UPDATED or not?
To ensure the version, you will go to OPTION with HELP and click on A BOUT GOOGLE CHROME , then you will be able to know whether CHROME is UPDATED or not, you can DOWNLOAD and UPDATE .
2 You have to ENABLE the option with Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost by going to chrome: // flags / this link, your CHROME browser will be RESTRT as soon as you do ENABLE.
3. Here we have given you Morpho All Model Biometric FILE which you have to DOWNLOAD.
Click here to DOWNLOAD
4. If we explain you further by writing, you will not understand anything, nor will you be able to do this setting completely.
That is why we have given you a link to a video which will show you further process and explain , the video is shown below.

By watching the video, you have understood how to do the Morpho All Model Biometric setting in Chrome , how to take KYC details of the beneficiaries and how to apply their Yehman Bharat Golden Card. rd service
Note: – We give such articles daily through our website liveyojana.com , so you must follow our website.
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To ensure the version, you will go to OPTION with HELP and click on A BOUT GOOGLE CHROME , then you will be able to know whether CHROME is UPDATED or not, you can DOWNLOAD and UPDATE .