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Buy/Renew Car Insurance Policy & Save Upto 85% Now ?

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It is mandatory for every person who buys his vehicle in India to buy vehicle insurance i.e. motor insurance policy. Car Insurance, policy bazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar car insurance renew car insurance

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Actually, it is mandatory for every person who buys his vehicle in India to buy a vehicle insurance i.e. motor insurance policy. This is applicable in the case of car, two wheeler or commercial vehicle. Driving a motor vehicle in a public place without insurance is a punishable offense as per the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. Talking about the car, there are 4 types of insurance policies for this, including third party insurance and own damage insurance. Let us know about them in detail….

Car Insurance 2022

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What is included in Digit Car Insurance


  • Compensation for damages caused by an accident or collision with your own car



  • Cover for loss due to accidental theft of car

fire damage

  • Compensation for damage caused by accidental fire in the car

natural calamities

  • Compensation for damage caused to the car due to natural calamities like flood or cyclone

own accident

  • Will be covered in case of death or disability of the owner of the car due to a car accident

third-party damages

  • If your car collides with damage to any person, property, etc., the damage will be covered.

Renew or Buy Car Insurance – Online,  

Whether you need a simple third-party insurance to meet the legal requirements or a comprehensive car insurance to protect or indemnify your valuable car , Digit lets you buy third-party, comprehensive or own at a reasonable cost . Damage (OD) – All types of car insurance can be done online. And you know what’s the best? You can choose your own IDV and get 7 other beneficial add-ons to suit your car. So be it buy/renew or claim car insurance through Digit – everything is possible with our easy to follow online and smartphone process!

third party insurance

It is legally mandatory to have third party insurance with the car. Under this, compensation is given for the damage caused by your vehicle to any person or other person walking on the road or to any property. The legal liabilities arising on you due to such an event are settled through this policy. In case of bodily harm or death to any person from your vehicle, you get compensation from this insurance plan. But in this insurance there is no responsibility to compensate for any loss caused to the vehicle owner or the driver. As per the rules of IRDA, it is mandatory to take 3 years third party cover for buying a car and 5 years for buying a two wheeler.

own damage

The policy which is bought only to compensate for the damage caused to the vehicle is called Own Damage Policy. In this, the insurance company gives compensation to compensate for the damage caused to the car. According to IRDAI, damages are covered under the own damage section in these situations…

  • fire, explosion, spontaneous fire, lightning
  • earthquake
  • flood, storm, cyclone, tornado, thunderstorm, deluge, hailstorm, snowfall
  • While traveling by rail/road, inland waterways, lift, elevator or air
  • landslides
  • Burglary / Robbery / Theft
  • riot and strike
  • accident due to external factors
  • malicious act
  • terrorist act

Comprehensive policy or package policy

When Own Damage Policy is also taken by including third party insurance in a single package, then it is called Comprehensive Policy. With such a policy, damage to other person and vehicle as well as damage to your vehicle is also compensated by one policy. IRDA has done away with the requirement of taking this long term package policy.

Now it will be optional for the vehicle owner to take third party insurance and own damage insurance in the package. From August 1, it will be necessary to take third party cover for 3 years for new four wheeler and 5 years for two wheeler. There will be two options for own damage cover. First, the customer can take one year’s own damage cover bundled with third party insurance and second, two separate policies for third party and own damage.

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Personal Accident Insurance

Personal accident insurance comes in handy for bodily damage caused to the driver in a car accident. Taking it is also mandatory like third party insurance. In this, other than the driver and the other person sitting in the front seat, other passengers can also be included. If the car owner dies in an accident or in the event of permanent disability, he / family members get compensation.

Which is the best car insurance policy in India? 2022

Know all about the best car insurance policy in India. A car insurance allows you to reduce the financial liabilities that may occur as a result of an adverse event involving your car, such as a road accident, accident, robbery, natural calamities, etc, you get the best policy for your car that meets your expectations. It is advisable to compare the benefits, premiums and only then choose a car insurance policy online. Know more about car insurance

Additional cover in car insurance

  • zero depreciation cover
  • Repair or replacement of plastic, rubber, glass and other materials otherwise not covered by the regular policy.
  • engine protection
  • For times when monsoon is in its destructive form, and makes your car engine weak.
  • Protection of NCB
  • Continue to enjoy a discounted premium on your No Claim Bonus, year after year, even after making a claim during the policy term.
  • invoice cover
  • Recover as much as you can in case of total loss (such as theft or very bad accident) of the car’s on-road value or declared value insured.

Key benefits of car insurance

Apart from being a mandate, car insurance offers many other benefits that make it useful for car owners in India. Some of these benefits are as follows

  • Coverage against any loss or damage caused to the insured vehicle
  • Coverage against loss or damage caused by accidents, arson, theft, self-burning, explosion,
  • lightning, riots, terrorist activities or natural calamities.
  • personal accident cover
  • Coverage against pecuniary liability due to injury or death or damage to property of a third party.

How to save on car insurance premium?

  • 1). Choose the right IDV

A lower IDV demands a lower premium payment. (But calculate wisely, as the IDV is the maximum amount the insurer can indemnify).

  • 2). Avail No Claim Bonus

For each consecutive premium-free year, your responsible driving skills are rewarded with a bonus of up to 50% on your premium. Isn’t it a pleasure!

  • 3). install safety equipment

Anti-theft devices, approved by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), can get you a discount of up to 2.5% on your car insurance premium!

  • 4). Become an AAI member

The Automobile Association of India, operated by IRDAI, offers you a discount on self-harm premium.

In India, it is mandatory for the vehicle owner/driver and the person sitting with motor insurance to take a personal accident insurance of minimum 15 lakhs. IRDAI has separated personal accident cover from motor insurance policy with effect from January 1, 2019. That is, the owner of the vehicle can take both the motor insurance policy + personal accident cover while buying the car. Or one can take personal accident cover separately from any other insurer as a general personal accident product. In such a situation, if someone has already taken personal accident cover of 15 lakhs or more, then there is no need to take compulsory personal cover under motor insurance.

Compare Car Insurance: Get The Best Quote Online

Compare car insurance policies using one handy tool to get the best quotes from top insurance companies.

  • 12+ Insurance Companies in India
  • There are 20+ plans available in the market
  • Choose from 16+ unique add-on covers
  • 3500+ Cashless Garage Network

How does comparing car insurance help?

You can compare policies of multiple brands instantly. Compare quotes online to choose the right car policy according to your need and convenience. Here’s how Comparison will help you: Here’s how Comparison will help you:

How To Select Car Insurance Company ?

If you are looking for insurance for your car, then today we are going to give you some important information about taking car insurance. Actually, while taking car insurance, choose the company providing that insurance very carefully because, if you have chosen the wrong company then you may face problems while availing that insurance. So, today we will tell you how to make sure you know from which company you have to insure your car when you are taking car insurance.

Everyone loves low premium

money. In such a situation, check which company is giving you car insurance at a low premium, but when you are checking the premium, then also check that what are the benefits you are getting inside the insurance in that premium. Like- how much is the IDV value, what are the addons, along with this there are many other things that you have to check.

Take a high IDV value

car insurance from the same company that gives you high IDV value at a low cost. Explain that IDV value is the value of your car in the eyes of the company. This is the maximum price that the company will pay you in future as claim settlement if needed, so the higher the IDV value, the better. Car insurance should be taken from the company which gives you higher IDV value.

Claim Settlement Ratio

The most important of all these is that the company from which you are taking car insurance should have a good claim settlement ratio. The claim settlement ratio shows how much money the insurance company pays and gives to its customers in proportion to their claims or not. Take car insurance only from a company that has a good claim settlement ratio.

Check Online and Offline

You can check all these things in both online and offline mode. There are many such websites where you can compare car insurance of different companies and accordingly choose the best car insurance for you.

What does the policy cover ?

  • Loss or damage to the insured vehicle due to the following reasons:
  1. Fire, explosion and self-ignition.
  2. Flood, flood, storm, storm, cyclone, blizzard, frost, lightning, earthquake, landslide, rock fall (danger of divine calamities).
  3. Burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious or terroristic activities, accidental external damage, damage in transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.
  • Legal liability for injury/death (unlimited) or damage to property (up to Rs 750,000) to any third party arising out of the use of the insured vehicle in a public place. Coverage in respect of compensation amount (including interest), claimant’s costs (if payable) and defense expenses (insured with the consent of the insurer).
  • Personal accident cover of Rs.200,000 for the individual driver of the insured vehicle, while entering or turning the car, or while traveling. Compensation is payable for death and permanent disability of various types.
  • Reimbursement of expenses up to Rs.1,500 for protection, removal/pulling and re-delivery of the car after the accident of the insurance vehicle.
  • Some of the important extension covers available under the policy on payment of additional premium are:
  1. Loss/damage of electrical/non-electrical goods and CNG/LPG fuel kit.
  2. Personal accident cover for unknown passengers.
  3. Comprehensive legal liability cover for the driver/conductor.
  4. Participation in rallies by insured vehicle.

What does the policy not cover

  • any consequential damages or contractual liability.
  • Mechanical or electrical failure, depreciation, wear and tear.
  • Driving a vehicle under the influence of intoxicating drinks/drugs.
  • Driving a vehicle without a valid licence.
  • The vehicle is being used in violation of usage limits (eg fare or reward, organized racing or speed testing, etc.).
  • War and Nuclear Threats.
  • Damage to tyres/tubes, unless the insured vehicle is damaged in the same event, in which 50% of the replacement cost shall be paid.
  • Theft of accessories, unless the vehicle is stolen at the same time.

5 Big Car Insurance Companies

1. New India Assurance Company Limited

Founded in 1919, this insurance company is the oldest general insurance company in India. At present, it is also the largest company in India in the field of General Insurance. The headquarter of the company is in Mumbai, from where its business operates in 28 countries around the world.

It has more than 2400 Offices in India, and 1,339 Micro Offices. By March 2017, the annual turnover of the company had crossed Rs 19 thousand crores. It has been getting AAA rating continuously for the last several years from the rating company CRISIL. This rating is proof that the company adheres to the best standards in protecting the interests of its customers.

It provides more than 230 insurance products according to the needs of different categories of customers. The company’s specialty is its straight-forward insurance products, which include all the necessary features related to motor insurance.
Main advantages | Key Benefits of New India Assurance Car Insurance

Special vehicle insurance schemes like ‘Rasta Aapoorna Kavach’ and ‘Suhana Safar’
Claim settlement and paperless renewal without any hassle
Repair without prepayment in cashless garage network across the country
Facility of Zero Depreciation, No Claim Bonus Protection etc.

For more information about New India Insurance Company and its Insurance Products visit: www.newindia.co.in

2. United India Insurance Company Ltd.

This is also a public sector general insurance company. It was established on 18 February 1938. When the general insurance business was nationalized in 1972, United India Insurance Company Limited was formed by merging the general insurance business of 12 Indian insurance companies, 4 co-operative insurance companies, 5 foreign insurance companies and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). .

The company has more than 1340 offices across the country. Through which it has sold more than 1 crore policies. With the help of its Micro Offices, the company has also penetrated into more than 200 Tier II and Tier III cities and towns across the country.

In the case of claim payment, the credit of the company is considered very good. Its solvency margin ratio is also much better. For this reason, it has also got the best rating from ICRA. These features make it special in the field of insurance cover-

Main advantages | Key Benefits of United India Insurance Company

Waiver of premium for use of vehicle at insured premises or locations
No claim bonus facility from 20% to 50%
Repairing without prepayment in Cashless Garages across the country
Facility of Online Complaint, Payment Status, Claim etc.

To know about United India Insurance Company and its insurance products, visit the company’s website

3. National Insurance Company

National Insurance Company (NIC) is the oldest and state-owned general insurance company in India. Inspired by the Swaraj movement, it was established on 05 December 1906 in Calcutta. In 1972, when the insurance companies were nationalized, the National Insurance Company was formed by merging with 21 foreign and 11 domestic companies.

It was the first Indian company to make its insurance products suited for both corporate and rural areas. It is also the first insurance company that has entered into a strategic alliance with the country’s largest motor car maker Maruti and the largest two wheeler manufacturer Hero Moto Corp and many others. National Insurance Company started Bank Assurance in India and made alliances with many big banks of the country to provide insurance services.

The two most popular insurance sectors under General Insurance are considered to be Motor Insurance and HEALTH Insurance. In both these categories, National Insurance Company has the status of the best service company (BEST IN SERVICE).
Main advantages | Key Benefits of National Insurance Company

National Insurance Company is ranked best in many research related to auto insurance regarding customer satisfaction.
Facility to insure all types of vehicles (for domestic, commercial or social purposes) under a private car insurance policy
Special discount on insurance of vehicles specially designed for blind, disabled or mentally ill people.

To know in detail about National Insurance Company and its products, visit the company’s website: nationalinsuranceindia.nic.co.in

Must Read- 10 Important Things Before Getting Motor Insurance

How to claim insurance in case of car accident

4.Oriental Insurance Company Limited

This company, started in the country’s independence year (12 September 1947), is a very reputed name in the field of general insurance. Its headquarter is in Delhi. From 1956 to 1973 (until the general insurance business was nationalized in the country), the company was a subsidiary of the Life Insurance Corporation of India.

It conducts its business through 31 regional offices and more than 1800 micro offices located across the country. The company also has offices in Nepal, Kuwait and Dubai. The company has developed various types of insurance products to meet the needs of both rural and urban population of India.

Being owned by the Government of India, its credibility is also very good. It has also got the credit of iAAA score from ICRA for providing quality and robust financial services. It has also received several major awards such as the best bank and financial institution award and the best public general insurance award.
Main advantages | Key Benefits of Oriental Insurance Company

Fast and easy handling of policy processes through best management system and information technology infrastructure
5000 to 10,000 indemnity (with additional premium) on loss of personal belongings (excluding money, credit cards and laptops, mobiles)
If the vehicle is not used after accident/theft, payment of alternate vehicle fare at the rate of 400 to 650 per day. 5 to 15 days.

For more information about Oriental Insurance Company and its insurance products, visit the company’s website: https://orientalinsurance.org.in/

5.ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company

ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd is a part of the country’s largest private bank ICICI Bank. It has become India’s top general insurance company in the private sector as of today. Being associated with the country’s largest bank group, it also has very good credit and customer reach. This is the most preferred company especially in the field of car insurance.

The company had sold 1.7 crore policies till March 2018. In them too, more than 20 lakh insurance claims were settled by the company. The company prepares and sells insurance policies according to the needs of people in both urban and rural areas.

During the financial year 2017-18, 90.8% of motor insurance claims (including those with own damage policies) were settled by the company, that too within a maximum period of 30 days. It has been given AAA rating by rating agency ICRA due to its excellent claim settlement facilities.

Some facts and figures of car insurance (Source: IBEF )

  • Demands have been made to lengthen and lengthen the insurance as the years go by due to the government’s mandate on getting auto insurance.
  • The estimated value of premium in the year 2018 was 5.53 trillion ($94 trillion). In which overall premium penetration increased to 3.5%, as against only 2.7% earlier.
  • As of now, the auto insurance industry is expected to reach a value of over $10 billion by the year 2021.
  • As the auto insurance industry is growing day by day, it can be assumed that it may grow by 10-15% in the next five years.
  • IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) has come up with a scheme that can be a better scenario for both auto insurance companies and auto insurance buyers (customers).
  • policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal policybazaar policy bazaar renew car insurance renewal                   policybazaar car insurance policybazaar car insurance
  • Further, demographic information suggests that the demand for auto insurance will increase as automobile sales are likely to increase in the coming years.

Note: – We give similar information daily through our website liveyojana.com , then you can also follow this website and if you like this article, then share it too.

Thank you for reading this article till the end…


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FAQ Buy & Renew Car Insurance Online

Which is the best car insurance policy in India?

Know all about the best car insurance policy in India. A car insurance allows you to reduce the financial liabilities that may occur as a result of an adverse event involving your car, such as a road accident, accident, robbery, natural calamities, etc, you get the best policy for your car that meets your expectations. It is advisable to compare the benefits, premiums and only then choose a car insurance policy online. Know more about car insurance

How to save on car insurance premium?

1). Choose the right IDV
A lower IDV demands a lower premium payment. (But calculate wisely, as the IDV is the maximum amount the insurer can indemnify).
2). Avail No Claim Bonus
For each consecutive premium-free year, your responsible driving skills are rewarded with a bonus of up to 50% on your premium. Isn’t it a pleasure!
3). install safety equipment
Anti-theft devices, approved by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), can get you a discount of up to 2.5% on your car insurance premium!
4). Become an AAI member
The Automobile Association of India, operated by IRDAI, offers you a discount on self-harm premium.

What does the policy cover ?

Loss or damage to the insured vehicle due to the following reasons:
Fire, explosion and self-ignition.
Flood, flood, storm, storm, cyclone, blizzard, frost, lightning, earthquake, landslide, rock fall (danger of divine calamities).
Burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious or terroristic activities, accidental external damage, damage in transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.
Legal liability for injury/death (unlimited) or damage to property (up to Rs 750,000) to any third party arising out of the use of the insured vehicle in a public place. Coverage in respect of compensation amount (including interest), claimant’s costs (if payable) and defense expenses (insured with the consent of the insurer).
Personal accident cover of Rs.200,000 for the individual driver of the insured vehicle, while entering or turning the car, or while traveling. Compensation is payable for death and permanent disability of various types.
Reimbursement of expenses up to Rs.1,500 for protection, removal/pulling and re-delivery of the car after the accident of the insurance vehicle.
Some of the important extension covers available under the policy on payment of additional premium are:
Loss/damage of electrical/non-electrical goods and CNG/LPG fuel kit.
Personal accident cover for unknown passengers.
Comprehensive legal liability cover for the driver/conductor.
Participation in rallies by insured vehicle. car insurance renewal car insurance renewal

What does the policy not cover

any consequential damages or contractual liability.
Mechanical or electrical failure, depreciation, wear and tear.
Driving a vehicle under the influence of intoxicating drinks/drugs.
Driving a vehicle without a valid licence.
The vehicle is being used in violation of usage limits (eg fare or reward, organized racing or speed testing, etc.).
War and Nuclear Threats.
Damage to tyres/tubes, unless the insured vehicle is damaged in the same event, in which 50% of the replacement cost shall be paid.
Theft of accessories, unless the vehicle is stolen at the same time. car insurance renewal

How does comparing car insurance help?

You can compare policies of multiple brands instantly. Compare quotes online to choose the right car policy according to your need and convenience. Here’s how Comparison will help you: Here’s how Comparison will help you: policybazaar policy bazaar car insurance policybazaar policy bazaar car insurance

How To Select Car Insurance Company ?

If you are looking for insurance for your car, then today we are going to give you some important information about taking car insurance. Actually, while taking car insurance, choose the company providing that insurance very carefully because, if you have chosen the wrong company then you may face problems while availing that insurance. So, today we will tell you how to make sure you know from which company you have to insure your car when you are taking car insurance.

Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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