|| csc mitra registration, bank mitra csc cloud, hdfc bank mitra csc, iibf, digibank, Banking Registration ||
If you too are a Common Service Center Operator (CSC VLE) like me and if you want to start banking service (Service) at your center then you are at the right place.
Today I am going to tell you in detail the process of CSC Bank Mitra, Bank Mitra CSC Cloud, Banking Registration, HDFC Bank Mitra registration.
Do you also want to start CSC Banking service by doing CSC Bank Mitra Registration?
If you answer “yes”, then read this post further.
CSC Bank Mitra / CSC Banking Portal
- ✅As you all know, CSC has been doing very well in online work of government sector and private sector.
- ✅ A lot of work is also done in the banking sector through the Common Service Center (CSC) .
- ✅ Today, I will tell you the process of this service offered under CSC banking sector.
Bank Mitra CSC Cloud, CSC Bank Mitra Registration Online
- ✅ As you know , an agreement has been reached between the Common Service Center and many private and government banks .
- ✅ Following this agreement, the Common Service Center (CSC CENTER) provides CSC Banking service to its operators .
- ✅ CSC their handlers by (CSC VLE) to CSC Bank Mitra is made and Banking correspondent is served under. CSC Bank Mitra registration
✅ SSO ID Rajasthan
✅ PMJAY CSC, pmjay CSC cloud web
✅ CSC certificate download
✅ CSC digital seva portal ID
CSC banking services can be the following.
It depends on the CSC and the Purticular Bank whom you are becoming a bank friend.
The following service can be provided
- ✅ New Bank Account Opening Services
- ✅ Bank Account Transaction Services
- ✅ Money deposit and Withdrawal Services
- ✅ Providing loan facility to customers (loan services like Personal Loan, Home Loan, Business Loan, New Car Loan, Old Car Loan, Tractor Loan, Use Tractor Loan, Two Wheeler Loan ETC)
- ✅ Providing credit cards to customers (CSC can also do new credit card application)
- ✅ Loan Services: – After , Common Service Center Operators (CSC VLE) are also given loan facility.
CSC Loan Services depends onthe bank under which youbecome Bank Mitra , but in general every bank offers you the following types of loans.
- ✅ Personal loan
- ✅ Business loan
- ✅ Home Loan
- ✅ Two Wheeler Loan
- ✅ Four Wheeler Loan
- ✅ Old Car Loan
- ✅ Tractor Loan
- ✅ Used Tractor Loan
- ✅ VLE Loan
Keep in mind: There are many other types of loans which are given based on the service and rules of the bank.
So far, you have gained a little information about the service of CSC Bank Mitra , let’s know ahead who can take the service of CSC Bank Mitra .
CSC Bank Mitra Registration Eligibility & Criteria
- ✅ CSC Bank Mitra something to take no more need just a common service center operator (CSC VLE) that CSC Bank Mitra may take, but … ..
- ✅ He is registered as Bank Mitra under CSC Banking Portal and has obtained IIBF Certificate by passing Bank Mitra Exam under IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking and Financial) .
- Keep in mind: – IIBF exam is necessary to provide banking service and IIBF Certificate should also be kept by the banking service provider at his shop.
- ✅ But there is also a big thing in this, if you take CSC HDFC Banking Services at the moment, then you are not being asked for IIBF exams nor IIBF Certificate is being demanded from you at the moment.
IIBF registration exam, IIBF certificate ke bare mein adhik jankari yahan click kar prapt ↗
CSC Bank Mitra registration required document / documents required to become a CSC Bank friend
Note that the list of documents that we are going to give below is also dependent on the bank and its demand. Some banks may demand a document from you separately and someone can provide banking services even with less documents than you.
- ✅ To get banking service from CSC, first of all you must be a Common Service Center Operator (CSC VLE) .
- ✅ You must be at least 18 years old
- ✅ You must have a shop
- ✅ Aadhaar card voter ID card etc. can be used as identification.
- ✅ To become a bank friend of some banks, it is necessary to have IIBF exam and IIBF certificate (Currently it is not being demanded for CSC HDFC Bank Mitra ).
- ✅ passport size photo
- ✅ and some of your personal information like address mobile number email id etc.
Note: – In general, small documents can be demanded, it depends on the bank.
So till now you have got a lot of information related to CSC Bank Mitra . As CSC Bank Mitra what happens, CSC Bank Mitra who may become, CSC Bank Mitra who is in need of documents to become CSC Banking Portal What?
Now you would like to know the process of CSC Bank Mitra Registration.
I rightly said “No” to read the process of CSC Bank Mitra registration , read this article further.
process, apna CSC Bank Mitra registration, CSC banking portal registration
To do CSC Bank Mitra registration , first you have to register yourself on the CSC Banking Portal .
CSC Bank Mitra registration / CSC banking portal registration
- ✅ First of all visit the official website of CSC Banking Portal bankmitra.csccloud.in. Click here to go to bankmitra.csccloud.in.
- ✅ Bankmitrakcsccloudkin only go to the Home Page there is shown below as follows will open.
- ✅ On Bank Mitra Portal , below you will see an option VLE registration , click on it.
- ✅ On clicking on Bank Mitra portal VLE registration , a new page will open in front of you, which will look something like this.
- ✅ Here you will see two options, first Existing second New User .
- ✅ In the case of New bank Mitra registration , click on New user and click on the Submit button.
- ✅ As soon as you submit, a disclaimer will open in front of you, in which you will get the information of Required Document .
- ✅ Required Docum Ent info we have below.
Before Registration keep ready these below mentioned documents in your laptop / desktop with clear photo and size (Only .jpg, .png, .jpeg file type)
- ✅ Candidate / Applicant photo (Scanned Copy size 25 to 50 KB)
- ✅ Proof of id and proof of address (Aadhar card, voter id, driving license, passport etc, Original Scanned document copy, size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ Bank Mitra center inside and outside photo with location tag. (Longitude and latitude photo size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ Saving account Bank cancel check ( Original Scanned document copy, size 50 to 100 KB )
- ✅ Higher qualification document (Original Scanned document copy, size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ IIBF certification (Original Scanned document copy, size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ Pan card (Original Scanned document copy, size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ No objection certificate (NOC) (If working anywhere, than Original Scanned document copy required, size 50 to 100 KB)
- ✅ Keep all the documents with you and keep them ready as the format is demanded.
- ✅ Disclaimer most down to continue , click on the button.
- ✅ As you continue click on the button will come to open a new page in front of which you own Csc id and password put Sign in need. as shown below.
- ✅ New Bank Mitra Registration Form will open in front of you as soon as you sign in . Whatever this would look like.
CS In general you will be able to complete CSC New Bank Mitra Registration in six steps.
- initial
- personal
- Bc center
- Banking
- document
- hardware
- other information
- review
Note: – You have to fill these steps very carefully and enter your correct information in it.
You can get complete information about CSC Bank Mitra portal registration and registration process by watching the video below.
Bank Mitra registration Once you CSC following the bank through the Banking Correspondent or CSC Bank Mitra can become.
CSC partner Bank
Public sector
- ✅ Punjab National Bank
- ✅ Bank of Baroda
- ✅ State Bank of India
- ✅ Bank of India
- ✅ allahabad bank
- ✅ Oriental Bank of commerce
- ✅ UCO Bank
- ✅ Central Bank of India
Regional rural
- ✅ Baroda Gujarat gramin Bank
- ✅ Baroda Rajasthan kshetiya gramin Bank
- ✅ Baroda uttar Pradesh gramin bank
- ✅ Himachal gramin bank
- ✅ Kashi gomti samyut gramin bank
- ✅ Punjab gramin bank
- ✅ Jharkhand gramin bank
- ✅ purvanchal gramin bank
- ✅ Rajasthan marudhara gramin bank
- ✅ sarva UP gramin bank
- ✅ utkal Grameen Bank
- ✅ vananchal gramin bank
- ✅ chhattisgarh rajya bank
private sector
- ✅ Catholic Syrian Bank
- ✅ Federal Bank
- ✅ South Indian Bank limited
Keep in mind: Under CSC Bank Mitra, above you can apply to avail any bank facility.
So far, you have received information of Bank Mitra CSC Cloud Registration with
Right now the HDFC Bank Mitra is being given very loudly by CSC , so let’s talk about CSC HDFC Bank Registration .
HDFC Bank Mitra CSC registration
It is easiest to get HDFC Bank Mitra from CSC right now because neither the required documents are being demanded for this nor the demand for Bank Mitra registration .
Let’s know about HDFC Bank Mitra CSC Registration process.
To do CSC HDFC Bank , you must first contact your District Manager .
Your HDFC Current account will be opened by the District Manager .
A few days after the opening of CSC HDFC Current Account , HDFC Bank Mitra service will be started on your CSC Digital Services Portal .
CSC HDFC CSP important links
- ✅ CSC HDFC CSP Commission ,
- ✅ CSC HDFC CSP service started HDFC login
- ✅ how to open current account and saving account from HDFC CSC Bank Mitra
- ✅ how to get top banks CSP point
- ✅ how to open customer service point
Common questions asked by people related to people also ask / CSP.
What is CSC Banking ?
CSC also through the Financial Service has given him has been placed under the CSC banking services which are working very badly.
Such as financial transactions in rural areas, providing banking facilities with insurance facility to the people. And so on….
what is bank Mitra in CSC / CSC What is a Bank Mitra?
A lot of government and private work is done through CSC , including a service under the banking sector.
Services offered under the banking sector through CSC are offered through Bank Mitra.
CSC Bank Mitra is a common service center operator that delivers banking services to villagers.
how can I register CSC in bank Mitra / How to apply for Bank Mitra from CSC?
To get a bank friend from CSC, first of all you have to register your new vle on CSC banking portal .
After the new Vle registration , you will be provided with the facility of CSC Bank Mitra . We have told you the procedure of bank mitra csc cloud registration at the top of this article.
what is HDFC CSC / CSC What is HDFC service?
Some time ago, HDFC Bank and CSC SPV between a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed on by HDFC bank serving CSC will be through.
Note: – In today’s article we told you. In the article you were told…
CSC Cloud, CSC Cloud
, Bank Mitra CSC, Bank Mitra CSC Cloud, HDFC Bank Mitra CSC Registration, CSC Bank Mitra Registration, CSC Bank Mitra Registration Online, Apna , HDFC Bank Mitra CSC registration, HDFC CSC login, CSC HDFC Bank registration, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, digibank, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra, emitra
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✅ SSO ID Rajasthan
✅ PMJAY CSC, pmjay CSC cloud web
✅ CSC certificate download
✅ CSC digital seva portal ID
FAQ CSC Bank Mitra registration
CSC also through the Financial Service has given him has been placed under the CSC banking services which are working very badly.
Such as financial transactions in rural areas, providing banking facilities with insurance facility to the people. And so on….
A lot of government and private work is done through CSC , including a service under the banking sector.
Services offered under the banking sector through CSC are offered through Bank Mitra.
CSC Bank Mitra is a common service center operator that delivers banking services to villagers.
To get a bank friend from CSC, first of all you have to register your new vle on CSC banking portal .
After the new Vle registration , you will be provided with the facility of CSC Bank Mitra . We have told you the procedure of bank mitra csc cloud registration at the top of this article.
Some time ago, HDFC Bank and CSC SPV between a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed on by HDFC bank serving CSC will be through.