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कृषि यंत्र अनुदान 2022: किसान अनुदान रजिस्ट्रेशन किसानो को मिलेगा, अनुदान रजिस्ट्रेशन करे अभी?

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e-Krishi Yantra Grant Scheme, E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme, Tractor and all agricultural related equipment will be available on subsidy.

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If you do farming and farming, then the government has started the e-Krishi Yantra Grant Scheme for you people, under this, you will be able to get a tractor or agricultural machine for farming on subsidy. Let us know about it.


Applications have been started to take tractor and all types of agricultural implements on subsidy

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E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme


What is e-agricultural machine subsidy scheme? / E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme?

Farmers require a tractor or tractor-driven agricultural machine for modern farming. The government knows very well that not every farmer is enough to buy his own farm equipment. Keeping this in mind, the government has launched the Krishi Yantra Grant (e-krishi yantra anudan yojana) scheme under which the government provides farmers Tractors or tractor-driven agricultural implements are subsidized according to their needs.

Whether in agriculture or sowing of crops or harvesting, farmers need an agricultural machine with modern technology.

The sowing of the crop has started in the Ravi season, so the state government is giving farm equipment subsidy to its farmers, under this, the Madhya Pradesh government took the construction of giving subsidy to tractors and agricultural implements keeping in mind the sowing of the crop. , For which farmers can apply online.

Under the E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme, farmers can get all types of equipment.

Under the e-Krishi Yantra Subsidy Scheme , all types of equipment are used for agriculture, small or big, farmers can apply online for their use, under this scheme, every time by the state government Equipment will be made available for farmers.

e-Which agricultural implements can be given on subsidy under the Agricultural Equipment Subsidy Scheme?

Although almost every type of agriculture related equipment is covered under this scheme, this time, all the agricultural equipment required from farmers to tillage to harvestin g can be given under this scheme but for all farmers this scheme Is not. E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme has been listed on the portal . If your district comes in this list then you will get the agricultural machine easily. If your district does not come then there may be some problem there.

More benefits to scheduled caste and informed caste farmers.

Scheduled caste and informed caste farmers will get tractor on subsidy, but other farmers of this caste will not be able to apply for taking the tractor subsidy.

योजना का नाम एमपी किसान अनुदान योजना 2022
किसके द्वारा लांच की गई मध्य प्रदेश की सरकार द्वारा
लाभार्थी मध्य प्रदेश के किसान
उद्देश्य किसानों को उपकरणों के लिए राशि प्रदान की जाए
विभाग किसान कल्याण तथा कृषि विकास
आवेदन प्रक्रिया ऑनलाइन
ऑफिशल वेबसाइट www.dbt.mpdage.org

e-Krishi Yantra Subsidy Scheme for which instruments can be applied?

People belonging to all castes, including both scheduled and informed people, as well as farmers of the general category can also apply for the devices mentioned below.

  • ✅ seed drill
  • ✅ seed work fertilizer drill
  • ✅ Raised bed planter with inclined plate shopper
  • ✅ tractor mounted sprayer
  • ✅ Thresher / Mulcher Agricultural Equipment
  • ✅ Reaper work binder
  • ✅ tractor operated winnowing fan

Also read, Pm Kisan List Update on Pm Kisan Portal, All Farmers Name Upload.

To apply online, you can watch the video below.

How will farmers get Yantra / Yantra Anudan scheme?

This time the government has given importance to “first come first serve” in the Krishi Yantra Subsidy Scheme, which means that the farmer who applies first is most likely to get the equipment soon. All applications will be treated as uniform and a list distributed according to the different agricultural instruments will be prepared by lottery system. The lottery system will not be done by any humans or will remain computerized.

The list of farmers as per the machines  will be uploaded on the portal after 12:00 pm on the basis of the names selected by the computer .

That is, the name of the farmers who came in the lottery, which will be chosen by computer, will be seen on the portal, which the farmers will be able to see on the portal after 12:00 pm.

Required Document for E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme ?

Whenever you go to apply online under the e-Krishi Yantra Subsidy Scheme , keep the following documents with you. Required documents

  • ✅ Aadhaar Card
  • ✅ Photo copy of first page of bank passbook
  • ✅ Caste certificate (for SC and ST farmers only)
  • ✅ Land Receipt

Some important things E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme ?

  • ✅ Under this scheme, farmers can purchase all types of tractor-driven equipment, but the tractor’s RC must be in the name of own parents, siblings or spouses. (The tractor owner must be you or someone from your family)
  • ✅ Select the dealer carefully at the time of online registration, the selection of the dealer cannot be done again.
  • ✅ Farmers can also apply online through the mobile app, for this, the latest version of the farmers mobile app which has been released after 22-6-2019 will have to be installed.
  • ✅ The farmer / dealer is informed that the purchase of tractors and agricultural implements should be taken only after the issue of the purchase order.

How to apply online for grant ?

For all types of agricultural machines of Madhya Pradesh, farmers can apply on the online e-Krishi Yantra Grant Portal , but all the farmer brothers have to keep in mind that at the time of application, farmers have to give their fingerprints so apply from there. Where biometric machines are available . To do this application, you can resort to the common service center near you. The application can be made through E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme  (https://dbt.mpdage.org/) .

Agricultural Equipment Scheme Subsidy Irrigation Machine

  • electric pump set
  • diesel pump set
  • pipeline set
  • drip system
  • sprinkler set
  • rain gun system

MP Agriculture Equipment Scheme

  • laser land leveler
  • Rotavator, Power Tiller
  • Raised Bed Planter
  • Tractor (over 20 horsepower)
  • Tractor Driven Reaper Cum Binder
  • automatic reaper
  • Tractor Mounted/Operated Suppressor
  • Multi Crop Thresher / Axial Flow Paddy Thresher
  • Paddy Transplanter
  • seed drill
  • reaper cum binder
  • happy seeder
  • zero till seed cum fertilizer drill
  • Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill
  • Rest Bed Planter with Inclined Plate Plant and Shaper
  • power harrow
  • Power Weeder (Engine driven more than 2 bhp)
  • multicrop plants
  • tractors (up to 20 horsepower) small
  • mulcher
  • shredder

Key Points of MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2022

  • Under this scheme, online purchase approval order will be issued by the District Officer on the basis of the records submitted online by the farmer.
  • After the cancellation of the application, you will not be eligible to submit the application for the next 6 months.
  • The farmer will get the benefit of subsidy on the material only if he fulfills the eligibility conditions of the grant for the material.
  • Through the selected dealer, farmers should register their records as well as the copy of the bill and the details of the material in the portal.
  • Once the dealer is selected, it will not be possible to change the dealer again.
  • Under the scheme, ineligible farmers will not get the benefit of grant on purchase of material.
  • The dealer will have to pay the amount of the machine/material by the farmer through bank draft, cheque, online banking only. Cash amount will not be accepted.
  • Physical verification of material and records will be done by the departmental officer within 7 days of uploading the records and bills etc. on the portal through the dealer.

Benefits of Madhya Pradesh Kisan Anudan Yojana

  • Farmers of Madhya Pradesh can take advantage of this scheme.
  • Farmers of the state can buy good agricultural equipment for farming by getting subsidy from the government under this scheme.
  • Under this scheme, subsidy amount ranging from 30% to 50% will be provided by the government to the farmers of MP.
  • Under this scheme, a subsidy of 40,000 to 60000 will be given to the farmers.
  • Financial assistance will be given on the basis of agricultural machinery. If a woman / woman is a farmer, then more concession will be given for this. They will be given specific benefits.

Kisan Anudan Yojana Statistics

  • Total Registered Manufacturers/Instruments and Rates 448
  • Total Registered Dealers 19598
  • Registered Application (Agriculture Machinery) 9330
  • Total Grant Released (Agriculture Machinery) 3233
  • Eligibility of MP Kisan Grant Scheme 2022

for the tractor

  • Any category of farmers can buy tractor.
  • Only those farmers will be eligible, who have not received the benefit of grant under any scheme of the department on the purchase of tractor or power tiller in the last 7 years.
  • The benefit of grant can be availed on either tractor or power tiller.
  • for automatic farm equipment
  • Farmers of any category can buy the said material.
  • Only those farmers will be eligible, who have not received the benefit of grant under any scheme of the department on the purchase of the said equipment in the last 5 years.
  • For all types of tractor driven agricultural machinery:
  • Farmers of any category can buy this machine, but it is necessary to have a tractor in their own name beforehand.
  • Only those farmers will be eligible, who have not received the benefit of grant under any scheme of the department on the purchase of the said equipment in the last 5 years.
  • For sprinklers, drip systems, rainguns, diesel/electric pumps:
  • All categories of farmers who have their own land will be eligible.
  • The farmer who has taken the benefit of irrigation equipment in 7 years will not be eligible.
  • It is mandatory for the farmer to have an electric connection for an electric pump.

Documents of Kisan Grant Scheme 2022

  • applicant’s aadhar card
  • bank passbook
  • Caste Certificate (Only for Scheduled Castes and Tribes Farmers)
  • copy of B-1
  • proof of electricity connection
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo

How to apply in MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2022?

Interested beneficiaries of the state who want to apply under this MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2022 , then they should follow the method given below.

First of all the applicant has to go to the official website of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development and Horticulture and Food Processing Department . After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.

mp farmer grant scheme, e-Krishi Yantra

On this home page, you will see the option of “Apply for Agricultural Machinery Directorate of Agricultural Engineering ”. You have to click on this option.

mp anudan yojana

After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you will see the application form, you have to select the option “through biometric” or “without biometric” depending on your choice in this form.
Then all the asked information like district, block, village, farmer class, agricultural machinery, scheme etc. will have to be selected and then fill your Aadhaar number and mobile number.
After filling all the information you have to click on the button of capture finger. After successful registration, you will see the system generated application number, save it for future use.

Procedure to login to the portal

  • First of all you have to go to the official website of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development Department .
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the link for login.
  • After this, the login form will open in front of you in which you will have to enter your user ID, password and captcha code.
  • Now you have to click on the sign in button.
  • In this way you will be able to login.

How to check application status in Kisan Anudan Yojana?

First of all, the applicant has to go to the official website. After going to the official website, the home page will open in front of you. On this home page, you will have to click on the option of apply.
After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page you will see an option “Current Status of Application” you have to click on it.

farm equipment subsidy

After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page you will see a form. You will have to fill your Aadhaar number or application number in this form.
After that click on the button of search. Then the status of the application will come in front of you.

How to check the list of registered applications online?

The beneficiary of the state who has applied to get subsidy on agricultural machinery by the government and wants to see his name in the beneficiary list, then he should follow the method given below and take advantage of this scheme.

Firstly the applicant has to go to the official website of the scheme. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
On this home page, you will see the option of list of registered applications . You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you.

kisan anudan yojana

On this page, you have to select some asked information like category, department, district, block, material, plan, current status etc.
After filling all the information, you have to click on the search button.
After this, the list of applications will open in front of you on the next page and you can check this list.

Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Department app download process

  • First of all you have to go to the official website of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development Department .
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • After this you will see the right side app download link.
  • You have to click on this link.
  • By clicking on this link, the app will be downloaded and installed.

Note: – Such information keeps coming up on our website daily, then you can follow our website liveyojana.com to keep getting information about similar government schemes .

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FAQ E-Krishi Yantra Anudan Scheme, Grant Scheme

Required Document for E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme ?

Whenever you go to apply online under the e-Krishi Yantra Subsidy Scheme , keep the following documents with you. Required documents
◆ Aadhaar Card
◆ Photo copy of first page of bank passbook
◆ Caste certificate (for SC and ST farmers only)
◆ Land Receipt

Some important things E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme ?

◆ Under this scheme, farmers can purchase all types of tractor-driven equipment, but the tractor’s RC must be in the name of own parents, siblings or spouses. (The tractor owner must be you or someone from your family)
◆ Select the dealer carefully at the time of online registration, the selection of the dealer cannot be done again.
◆ Farmers can also apply online through the mobile app, for this, the latest version of the farmers mobile app which has been released after 22-6-2019 will have to be installed.
षक The farmer / dealer is informed that the purchase of tractors and agricultural implements should be taken only after the issue of the purchase order. yantra subsidy scheme

How to apply online for grant ?

For all types of agricultural machines of Madhya Pradesh, farmers can apply on the online e-Krishi Yantra Grant Portal , but all the farmer brothers have to keep in mind that at the time of application, farmers have to give their fingerprints so apply from there. Where biometric machines are available . To do this application, you can resort to the common service center near you. The application can be made through E-Krishi Yantra Anudan scheme  (https://dbt.mpdage.org/) .

Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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