कारक की परिभाषा – Karak ki Paribhasha, karak kise kahate hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak chinh, karak in hindi chinh, karak ki paribhasha
संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के जिस रूप से उसका सम्बन्ध वाक्य के किसी दूसरे शब्द के साथ जाना जाए, उसे कारक कहते हैं। वाक्य में प्रयुक्त शब्द आपस में सम्बद्ध होते हैं। क्रिया के साथ संज्ञा का सीधा सम्बन्ध ही कारक है। कारक को प्रकट करने के लिये संज्ञा और सर्वनाम के साथ जो चिन्ह लगाये जाते हैं, उन्हें विभक्तियाँ कहते हैं।
S/n | कारक | विभक्तियाँ |
1 | ✅ कर्ता | ने |
2 | ✅ कर्म | को |
3 | ✅ करण | से, द्वारा |
4 | ✅ सम्प्रदान | को, के लिये, हेतु |
5 | ✅ अपादान | से (अलग होने के अर्थ में) |
6 | ✅ सम्बन्ध | का, की, के, रा, री, रे |
7 | ✅ अधिकरण | में, पर |
8 | ✅ सम्बोधन | हे! अरे! ऐ! ओ! हाय! |
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- कर्ता कारक (Karta कारक)
- कर्मकारक (Karm कारक)
- करण कारक (Karan कारक)
- सम्प्रदान कारक (Sampradan कारक)
- अपादान कारक (Apadan कारक)
- सम्बन्ध कारक (Sambandh कारक)
- अधिकरण कारक (Adhikaran कारक)
- सम्बोधन कारक (Sambodhan कारक
Karta Karak
The sign ‘a’ feel, and sometimes sentences with ever-doers not ends, namely fading.
causative example –
kunal has read the book.
rambalak plays.
The bird flies.
manish read the letter.
karmakaraka – karm कारक
The form of a noun or pronoun on which the action has the effect or result is called Karm Karak . Works with the ‘ get inflected. This is its biggest identity . Sometimes the inflection of ‘ ko ‘ is also omitted in the sentences .
Examples of karmic factor – Karm Karak ke Udaharan
He rambalak and taught.
Mohan thief to Pakdaa.
Lancy has Ldake to see.
Poetry is reading a book.
Karan Karak – Karan कारक
The means by which or by which the action is accomplished, that noun is called Karan कारक.
Its main identity is ‘from’ or ‘by’ .
Examples of Karan Karak – Karan कारक ke Udaharan
raman ball from plays.
Man sticks thief by kills.
Apadaan Karak
Apadana means separation . The noun or pronoun from which a thing is known to be different , it is called Apadaan Karak .
Like the causative factor, the sign of Apadana karaka is also ‘se’ , but in karna karaka it means help and in apadaan one has to separate .
Delivery Factor – Samprdaan Karak
For which action is performed , it is called Sampradaan कारक. In this the karmic factor ‘ ko ‘ is also used, but its meaning is ‘for’ .
Examples of Karak Karak – Sampradan Karak ke Udaharan
rambalak brings the ball to Ravi .
We go to school to study .
Mother gives a toy to the child .
In the above sentences, ‘to Mohan’ is ‘to read’ and to the child .
Relationship Factor -Sambandh कारक
The form of a noun or pronoun in which the relation of one thing to another is known, it is called Sambandh Karak .
Its main identity is – ‘ka’, ‘ki’, k .
Examples of Relationship Factors – Sambandh कारक ke Udaharan
Rahul ‘s book is on the table.
Sunita ‘s house is far away.
Tribunal Factor – Adhikaran कारक
The form of a noun , which is used to understand the basis of the verb , is called Adhikaran Karak . Its main identity is ‘in’, ‘on’ .
Examples of tribunal factor
Mother is at home .
There is a bird in the nest .
A car is parked on the road .
Here ‘at home’, ‘in the nest’, and ‘on the road’ , is the tribunal.
The relational causative indicates the relation with the word other than the verb itself .
Addressing factor – Sambodhan kaarak
The noun or the form in which there is a sense of calling and warning someone , it is called Sambodhan kaarak .
It is neither related to action nor to any other word. It remains separate from the sentence . It does n’t even have a causative sign .
Examples of Addressing Factors – Sambodhan Karak ke Udaharan
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difference between a causal factor and a catastrophe factor :
There is always a doubt among the students about the causes and non -doing factors. The main reason for this is that the ‘ from’ sign is used in both the factors. But there is a difference between the two factors on the basis of meaning. First we will talk about the causal factor , then in the causative factor, where ‘se’ is used for the instrument . If we talk about the apaadana factor , then there is a sense of separation in it. The means used by the subject to act in a sentence is called the causative factor . And on the other hand , there is a sense of separation or going away in the Aapadaan factor .
Instrument case : – The object with the help of or by which any work is done, it is called Karana Karak.
In other words , the word with which the verb is related to the sentence is called the causative factor.
Its inflection is ‘from’.
For example- “We see with the eyes.” In
this sentence, the help of the eye has been taken to perform the action of seeing. Therefore, there is a causal factor in the eyes.
There are most suffixes of the causative agent. ‘Ne’ is also such a sign of Karankaraka, which comes in the form of ‘N’ for the subject who came in Sanskrit as Karnakaraka, in the verbal and emotional. But, the nature of Hindi considers ‘ne’ to be a sign of the true subject.
Other signs of Karanakarak in hindi chinhare from, by, by, through, with, without etc. Most of these symbols are ‘by’, ‘by’, ‘by’, ‘through’ etc. ‘With’, without’, etc., are the signs of the causative agent of the same type as ‘by’, which tell the sadhna yoga, because of the adjectives expressing sadhna yoga-disconnection. ‘Karan’ means ‘means’. Therefore, the sign ‘from’ is the sign of the causative agent where it is used in the sense of ‘means’.
Like- I will not be able to do this work. Here ‘by me’ means ‘by me’, ‘by me’ or ‘by means like me’. Therefore, because of ‘means’ indicating ‘means’ here ‘to’ is the inflection mark of Karana. The inflection mark of Apadan is also ‘from’.
‘Apadaan’ means ‘the attainment of separation’. So the ‘se’ sign of apadana signifies separation, while that of karan, unlike apadana, of sadhana, of instrumental attachment. In sentences such as ‘fruit fell from the tree’, ‘I walked from home’ etc., the suffix ‘from’ does not prove ‘tree’ or house as ‘means’, but proves the separation from both of them. Therefore, in both these sentences, the inflection mark of ‘se’ used in front of ‘house’ and ‘tree’ is of apadanakarak and by putting it in both these words makes them ‘post’ of apadanakarak.
The field of Karnakaraka is wider than all other factors. In this reason, the suffixes left out from all other factors or those words which have been saved from coming in any other factor, come.
Therefore, it is necessary to know some of its general identity and rules, Case Meaning in Hindi
karak kise kahate hain, karak kise kahate hain, karak kise kahate hain, karak kise kahate hain, karak kise kahate hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak in hindi chinh hain, karak ki paribhasha, karak ki paribhasha, karak ki paribhasha, karak ki paribhasha, karak ki paribhasha
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FAQ karak kise kahate hain
संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के जिस रूप से उसका सम्बन्ध वाक्य के किसी दूसरे शब्द के साथ जाना जाए, उसे कारक कहते हैं। वाक्य में प्रयुक्त शब्द आपस में सम्बद्ध होते हैं। क्रिया के साथ संज्ञा का सीधा सम्बन्ध ही कारक है। कारक को प्रकट करने के लिये संज्ञा और सर्वनाम के साथ जो चिन्ह लगाये जाते हैं, उन्हें विभक्तियाँ कहते हैं।