PFMS scholarship status check, PFMS Registration, PFMS portal, nsp, PFMS scholarship status 2022, pfms full form, PFMS payment, pfms nic
✅ pfms full form public financial management system, PFMS portal helps students who are studying to get scholarship or want to check their status online if they are delayed in getting scholarship.
With the help of this article, you will learn how to check the scholarship status from the PFMS portal and how to use the PSMS portal .
If you are also a student and you want scholarship , you want to check the status of your scholarship, then today I am going to tell you about the pfms portal .
You can check the information of pfms scholarship online from PFMS portal , I will tell you the entire process in this article today.
Do you also want to get pfms scholarship , PFMS Registration. do you also want to check your PFMS scholarship status 2022 online?
If your answer is “yes” , then read this article further .
Before knowing about PFMS scholarship status 2022, we would like to know what pfms is and what is pfms work.
Pfms | Pfms scholarship | PFMS Portal, PFMS scholarship status check, PFMS payment Status
A portal has been created by the government to view the status of scholarship named pfms portal .
To know the status of pfms / dbt payment , follow each step carefully.
Let’s know about Pfms. pfms means
PFMS Portal was started in the year 2008 as a pilot project in 4 states Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Mizoram.
MGNREGS, NRHM, SSA, PMGSY I After the initial phase of setting up a networking, the pfms portal was rolled out at the central level to connect to the financial network of Central State Government and State Government agencies.
What is PFMS full form
pfms full form public financial management system means public financial management system (PFMS) in Hindi. Which currently works at the central level and keeps track of Dbt payment and its status.
✅ SCHEME NAME | Public Financial Management System (PFMS) |
✅ Beneficiary | ALL STUDENT OF INDIA |
Pfms | Pfms scholarship | PFMS Portal, PFMS scholarship status check, PFMS payment
Pfms scholarship status check, PFMS payment Status
- ✅ To check PFMS scholarship status 2022 , first you need to go to its official website Click here to go to
- ✅ As soon as you go to , your homepage will open up in this way.
- ✅ To check pfms scholarship status , click directly on the link given here.
- ✅ As soon as you click on , a new page opens in front of you that is something like this.
- ✅ To check PFMS scholarship status 2022 , first of all you need to enter your bank name here.
- ✅ After entering the bank name, you will have to enter your bank account number, re-enter your bank account number.
- ✅ Enter the captcha code shown in the captcha box in the captcha box and click on the search button.
- ✅ As soon as you click on the search button, PFMS scholarship status 2022 will open in front of you.
Note: – By following the methods mentioned above carefully, you can get the information about your PFMS scholarship status very easily.
Note: – So far you have received information about PFMS Portal, PFMS Scholarship Status . Next we will also inform you about the benefits of PFMS Scholarship and how many types of scholarships are given under it.
Benefits of PFMS Portal | Benefits of PFMS scholarship
PFMS Scholarship Yojana has been started to benefit the children of poor families who are unable to pursue their studies.
They do not have enough money to prepare for any major exam, for them, scholarship schemes are run by school institutions and schools. The scholarship under which is done through pfms / dbt payment .
PFMS includes all such small schools and institutions that accept applications for scholarships , PFMS portal is a centrally functioning portal under which students can apply and take advantage of PFMS Scholarship .
Benefits of PFMS scholarship scheme, Features of PFMS Portal
After getting registered on the PFMS portal you get a lot of services which we are going to explain in detail below.
- Service 1. Direct Scholarship Transfer (pfms / dbt payment): After getting registered on the PFMS portal , the students get the PFMS Scholarship money directly into their account through direct scholarship transfer (pfms / dbt payment) .
- Service 2. Time saving – Students can immediately apply for Pfms scholarship 2022 on the PFMS portal as it does not require any papers to be submitted, so the registration process is quite fast.
- Service 3. Automatic Payments: – PFMS Scholarship 2022 conducts all the process related to students for submission of scholarship, verification, case, approval and details, through automatic means, students have to register themselves and sit confidently.
- Service 4. Easy pfms status check online – The biggest feature of PFMS portal is that students can check their scholarships status very easily through online PFMS portal due to their bank account number.
- Service 5. Easy Helpline Direct Contact Support – If students need any type of information above any payment, then they can directly contact PFMS Scholarship Portal .
- Service 6. Fast PFMS Scholarship Renewal – The biggest feature of the PFMS Portal is that students can renew their application on it very easily.
Because for Pfms Renewal you have to use the same registration ID that you got earlier.
List Of Scholarship Under PFMS | List of scholarships offered by PFMS portal.
The following scholarships are offered under PFMS Scholarship.
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for university and college students
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for Post Matric Sc Students
- ✅ PFMS scholarship 2022 for Pre Matric SC students
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship for National means cum merit scholarship students 2022
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for promotion of girls of secondary education
- ✅ Top Class Education Scheme for SC scholarship 2022
- ✅ Scholarship 2022 for scheduled caste students who are going to merit
- ✅ Scholarship 2022 for OBC and Post Matric Scholarship students
PFMS Scholarship eligibility and criteria | Eligibility and criteria for PFMS portal
If you want to take advantage of PFMS then you must have the following eligibility.
- ✅ First of all the applicant should be an Indian citizen.
- ✅ The annual income of the PFMS applicant’s family should be less than Rs 6 lakh.
- ✅ If you are thinking of applying PFMS, PFMS Registration, then you must be between 18 and 25 years old.
- ✅ Candidate must have passed at least 10th standard.
- ✅ Maintenance and all fees under the scheme will be paid by the program.
Key points of pfms scholarship 2022
To avail benefits under Scholarship PFMS, you must fully meet the eligibility and criteria prescribed under PFMS Scholarship 2022.
The PFMS parameters have been mentioned in detail in the information board, before applying, PFMS Registration, carefully check the parameters of the information board but fulfill the necessary conditions.
The eligibility and criteria will be analyzed by the supervisors and officials before submitting the scholarship application form .
If the following criteria are not met by the applicant, then in such a situation their application will not be accepted and such applicants will not be awarded scholarship.
The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) provides various types of PFMS Scholarship 2022 to schools and colleges at the following levels.
Under which, it is ensured that the candidate who has applied for the PFMS Scholarship 2022 is eligible for it and whether he is able to fulfill the scholarship eligibility. PFMS Registration
To avail the scholarship, you will have to fill some information carefully which is name, mobile number, email id, date of birth, gender, board of education, enrollment and class last year result mark certificate, name of institute, all this information will give you a lot of attention. If any information is found to be incorrect, then the application will be rejected.
Benefits of PFMS Portal | Benefits of PFMS scholarship
PFMS Scholarship Yojana has been started to benefit the children of poor families who are unable to pursue their studies.
They do not have enough money to prepare for any major exam, for them, scholarship schemes are run by school institutions and schools. The scholarship under which is done through pfms / dbt payment .
PFMS includes all small schools and institutions that accept applications for scholarships , PFMS portal is a centrally functioning portal under which students can apply and take advantage of PFMS Scholarship .
Benefits of PFMS scholarship scheme, Features of PFMS Portal
After getting registered on the PFMS portal you get a lot of services which we are going to explain in detail below.
- Service 1. Direct Scholarship Transfer (pfms / dbt payment): After getting registered on the PFMS portal , the students get the PFMS Scholarship money directly into their account through direct scholarship transfer (pfms / dbt payment) .
- Service 2. Time saving – Students can immediately apply for Pfms scholarship 2022 on the PFMS portal as it does not require any papers to be submitted, so the registration process is quite fast.
- Service 3. Automatic Payments: – PFMS Scholarship 2022 conducts all the process related to students for submission of scholarship, verification, case, approval and details, through automatic means, students have to register themselves and sit confidently.
- Service 4. Easy pfms status check online – The biggest feature of PFMS portal is that students can check their scholarships status very easily through online PFMS portal due to their bank account number.
- Service 5. Easy Helpline Direct Contact Support – If students need any type of information above any payment, then they can directly contact PFMS Scholarship Portal .
- Service 6. Fast PFMS Scholarship Renewal – The biggest feature of the PFMS Portal is that students can renew their application on it very easily.
Because for Pfms Renewal you have to use the same registration ID that you got earlier.
List Of Scholarship Under PFMS | List of scholarships offered by PFMS portal.
The following scholarships are offered under PFMS Scholarship.
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for university and college students
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for Post Matric Sc Students
- ✅ PFMS scholarship 2022 for Pre Matric SC students
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship for National means cum merit scholarship students 2022
- ✅ PFMS Scholarship 2022 for promotion of girls of secondary education
- ✅ Top Class Education Scheme for SC scholarship 2022
- ✅ Scholarship 2022 for scheduled caste students who are going to merit
- ✅ Scholarship 2022 for OBC and Post Matric Scholarship students
PFMS Scholarship eligibility and criteria | Eligibility and criteria for PFMS portal
If you want to take advantage of PFMS then you must have the following eligibility.
- ✅ First of all the applicant should be an Indian citizen.
- ✅ The annual income of the PFMS applicant’s family should be less than Rs 6 lakh.
- ✅ If you are thinking of applying PFMS, then you must be between 18 and 25 years old.
- ✅ Candidate must have passed at least 10th standard.
- ✅ Maintenance and all fees under the scheme will be paid by the program.
Key points of pfms scholarship 2022
- To avail benefits under Scholarship PFMS, you must fully meet the eligibility and criteria prescribed under PFMS Scholarship 2022.
- The PFMS parameters are mentioned in detail in the information board, before applying, carefully check the parameters of the information board but fulfill the necessary conditions.
- The eligibility and criteria will be analyzed by the supervisors and officials before submitting the scholarship application form .
- If the following criteria are not met by the applicant, then in such a situation their application will not be accepted and such applicants will not be awarded scholarship. scholarship application .
- The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) provides various types of PFMS Scholarship 2022 to schools and colleges at the following levels. scholarship application .
- Under which it is ensured that the candidate who has applied for the PFMS Scholarship 2022 is eligible for it or not and is able to fulfill the scholarship eligibility. scholarship application .
- To avail the scholarship, you will have to fill some information carefully which is name, mobile number, email id, date of birth, gender, board of education, enrollment and class last year result mark certificate, name of institute, all this information will give you a lot of attention. If any information is found to be incorrect, then the application will be rejected.
Pfms Scholarship Required Document | Documents required for PFMS scholarship.
If you want to get PFMS Scholarship, then you have to have the following documents for this.
- ✅ Aadhaar card mandatory , it is very necessary for the applicant to have an Aadhaar card to take advantage of PFMS Scholarship .
- ✅ Education Certificate: – To apply PFMS Online , the applicant must have an education certificate.
- ✅ 12th pass certificate: – For PFMS scholarship application , you must be at least 12th pass, for which you must give 12th pass certificate.
- ✅ Passport size photograph required
- ✅ To apply PFMS online, you must have a fee receipt that you have submitted to the organization.
Note: – If you fulfill the above mentioned requirement and necessary documents, then you can apply PFMS Online very easily.
So till now you have got almost information related to PFMS. You have learned what is PFMS system, what is PFMS portal ?, PFMS prerequisites and documents required to do PFMS online.
Next we will tell you the process of doing online registration on PFMS portal.
what is Public Financial Management System
Public Financial Management System ( PFMS ) initially started as a plan scheme named CPSMS of the Planning Commission in 2008-09 as a pilot in four states of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Mizoram for four flagships schemes eg MGNREGS, NRHM, SSA and PMGSY . After the initial phase of expanding a network across Ministries / Departments, it has been decided to undertake national rollout of CPSMS ( PFMS ) to link the financial networks of Central, State Governments and the agencies of State Governments. The scheme was included in 12th Plan initiative of Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance.
In December, 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the national roll out of PFMS for all states and schemes for a period of four years till 2017 as follows:
- (i) Total outlay of the scheme to be implemented through the O / o CGA would be not more than Rs. 1080 crore.
- (ii) Four tiered project organization structure viz.
Project Implementation Committee (PIC) at apex level
The Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) at Center
- III. State Project Management Unit (SPMU) at State level
District Project Management Unit (DPMU) at district level to be manned through outsourcing
The mandate given to PFMS by Cabinet decision is to provide:
A financial management platform for all plan schemes, a database of all recipient agencies, integration with core banking solution of banks handling plan funds, integration with state treasuries and efficient and effective tracking of fund flow to the lowest level of implementation for plan scheme of the Government. PFMS payment Status, PFMS payment Status, PFMS payment Status
To provide information across all plan schemes / implementation agencies in the country on fund utilization leading to better monitoring, review and decision support system to enhance public accountability in the implementation of plan schemes.
To result in effectiveness and economy in public finance management through better cash management for government transparency in public experimental and real-time information on resource availability and utilization across schemes. The roll-out will also result in improved programme administration and management, reduction of float in the system, direct payment to beneficiaries and greater transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. The proposed system will be an important tool for improving governance. PFMS payment Status, PFMS payment Status
Pfms Scholarship 2022 Online Registration, PFMS Registration
- ✅ To register PFMS, first you have to go to its official website Click here to go to PFMS .
- ✅ As soon as you go to the website, you will see an option of PFMS Scholarship Student Registration on the home page, click on the option to register.
- ✅ Now you have to select your scheme here for example Scholarship for University and College Students
- ✅ Now you have to enter the following information
- ✅ Enter the information about when and when you passed 12th standard.
- ✅ Enter the bank account number and bank IFSC code.
- ✅ After that you will see dropdown-menu in which you have to choose your category. Select the category and click on the search button.
- ✅ As soon as you submit the information, your information will be displayed on the portal and your application form will be filled automatically by the system. Information that is not correct or needs improvement, you should improve it here.
- ✅ Now you enter your mobile number here and an OTP will be sent to that mobile number
- ✅ Enter the OTP on the mobile number and proceed.
- ✅ Now your mobile number has been verified, now you have to enter your email id here.
- ✅ Here, now you have to create a user ID and password.
- ✅ Select the User ID and Password Inter the given captcha code and proceed.
- ✅ Now you have to submit the final.
Note: – As soon as the application is submitted final, your registration has been done on the PFMS portal . And now you will be given the benefit of PFMS Scholarship by the government.
Some commonly asked questions related to PFMS Scholarship 2022, PFMS Scholarship.
Documents required for PFMS scholarship
If you want to get PFMS Scholarship, then you have to have the following documents for this.
- ✅ Aadhaar card mandatory , it is very necessary for the applicant to have an Aadhaar card to take advantage of PFMS Scholarship .
- ✅ Education Certificate: – To apply PFMS Online , the applicant must have an education certificate.
- ✅ 12th pass certificate: – For PFMS scholarship application , you must be at least 12th pass, for which you must give 12th pass certificate.
- ✅ Passport size photograph required
- ✅ To apply PFMS online, you must have a fee receipt that you have submitted to the organization.
Note: – If you fulfill the above mentioned requirement and necessary documents, then you can apply PFMS Online very easily.
So till now you have got almost information related to PFMS. You have learned what is PFMS system, what is PFMS portal ?, PFMS prerequisites and documents required to do PFMS online.
Next we will tell you the process of doing online registration on PFMS portal.
what is Public Financial Management System
Public Financial Management System ( PFMS ) initially started as a plan scheme named CPSMS of the Planning Commission in 2008-09 as a pilot in four states of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Mizoram for four flagships schemes eg MGNREGS, NRHM, SSA and PMGSY . After the initial phase of expanding a network across Ministries / Departments, it has been decided to undertake national rollout of CPSMS ( PFMS ) to link the financial networks of Central, State Governments and the agencies of State Governments. The scheme was included in 12th Plan initiative of Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance.
In December, 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the national roll out of PFMS for all states and schemes for a period of four years till 2017 as follows:
(i) Total outlay of the scheme to be implemented through the O / o CGA would be not more than Rs. 1080 crore.
(ii) Four tiered project organization structure viz.
- Project Implementation Committee (PIC) at apex level
- The Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) at Center
III. State Project Management Unit (SPMU) at State level
- District Project Management Unit (DPMU) at district level to be manned through outsourcing
The mandate given to PFMS by Cabinet decision is to provide:
A financial management platform for all plan schemes, a database of all recipient agencies, integration with core banking solution of banks handling plan funds, integration with state treasuries and efficient and effective tracking of fund flow to the lowest level of implementation for plan scheme of the Government.
To provide information across all plan schemes / implementation agencies in the country on fund utilization leading to better monitoring, review and decision support system to enhance public accountability in the implementation of plan schemes.
To result in effectiveness and economy in public finance management through better cash management for government transparency in public experimental and real-time information on resource availability and utilization across schemes. The roll-out will also result in improved programme administration and management, reduction of float in the system, direct payment to beneficiaries and greater transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. The proposed system will be an important tool for improving governance.
PFMS Scholarship 2022: The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a Government of India project that looks after social sector programs. PFMS provides applicants with different systems of scholarships.
It is essential that candidates applying for a 2022 PFMS Scholarship meet the qualifying requirements set out in the PMFS Information Bulletin. PFMS full form is Public Financial Management System. Read more details in this article about the PFMS Scholarship 2022 i.e. sc cgagov pfms.
Latest Update:
Candidates can check their PFMS Scholarship Status 2022-21 by providing the asked details in the Login section. They must provide the Username and password.
Candidates who are facing problems in registration payment with their Aadhaar card must make sure that their Aadhar Card is active.
Since the Inactive Aadhar card is not valid.
Pfms Scholarship 2022 Online Registration, PFMS Registration
- ✅ To register PFMS, first you have to go to its official website Click here to go to PFMS .
- ✅ As soon as you go to the website, you will see an option of PFMS Scholarship Student Registration on the home page, click on the option to register.
- ✅ Now you have to select your scheme here for example Scholarship for University and College Students
- ✅ Now you have to enter the following information
- ✅ Enter the information about when and when you passed 12th standard.
- ✅ Enter the bank account number and bank IFSC code.
- ✅ After that you will see dropdown-menu in which you have to choose your category. Select the category and click on the search button.
- ✅ As soon as you submit the information, your information will be displayed on the portal and your application form will be filled automatically by the system. Information that is not correct or needs improvement, you should improve it here.
- ✅ Now you enter your mobile number here and an OTP will be sent to that mobile number
- ✅ Enter the OTP on the mobile number and proceed.
- ✅ Now your mobile number has been verified, now you have to enter your email id here.
- ✅ Here, now you have to create a user ID and password.
- ✅ Select the User ID and Password Inter the given captcha code and proceed.
- ✅ Now you have to submit the final.
Note: – As soon as the application is submitted final, your registration has been done on the PFMS portal . And now you will be given the benefit of PFMS Scholarship by the government
Some commonly asked questions related to PFMS Scholarship 2022, PFMS Scholarship.
FAQ PFMS Scholarship 2022
Q 1. Date of application for PFMS Scholarship 2022?
There is no latest information about the application date of PFMS scholarship status 2022 so far, if any information about the latest date comes from the PFMS official website, we will make it available to you through this article on our website. Till then you can bookmark this article and keep it.
Q 2. Aadhaar based payment was rejected by the bank, how can the beneficiary get the account payment? PFMS payment
While Aadhaar based payment is preferred over PFMS / dbt payment , if the Aadhaar based payment is rejected by the bank, in such a case the beneficiary can take automatic account based payment.
Q 3. How to know if CPSMS is going to make Aadhaar based payment (pfms / dbt payment) or account based payment to the beneficiaries? PFMS payment
Aadhar based payment (PFMS / dbt payment) is preferred by PFMS , so whenever payment is made through CPSMS its status can be checked online.
Q 4. If beneficiary’s Aadhaar card number is not linked to the bank account, can it be paid? PFMS payment
It depends Aadhar based payment (PFMS / dbt payment) is preferred by PFMS .
But if the Aadhar card number is not linked to the bank account, then that payment will be rejected by the bank, in such a situation, the bank can also make an account based payment instead of PFMS Aadhaar based payment.
Q 5. When should we use the Excel upload option to initiate payment to the beneficiary?
When the officer comes to the list of paying a large number of beneficiaries, ie if the number of students is 500 or more, then in such a situation, you can use the Excel upload option.
Q 6. What is pfms account status / what is pfms account status? PFMS payment
Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a platform through which E-PAYMENT subsidy is paid through Direct benefit transfer (DBT) which is done through Aadhaar card or bank transfers which are done without Aadhar card. Is done through NPCI . PFMS payment Status, PFMS payment Status, PFMS payment Status
All these transactions are handled under PFMS Account Status.
Q 7. what is pfms?
PFMS i.e. Public financial management system is a system used by government agencies to make direct benefit transfer (PFMS / dbt payment) .
Aadhaar based DBT payments are made to the Aadhaar Link bank account through PFMS portal , as well as payments to the direct bank account through Non Aadhaar Based Payment .
Q 8. How can I check my Pfms balance ? PFMS payment
To check PFMS balance , you have to go to on the official website of PFMS and on the home page you get to see an option of Account status check through which you will be able to check your PFMS balance .
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Q 9. how can I get pfms scholarship?
In order to receive the PFMS scholarship , some necessary conditions and criteria have been created above which we had given in detail in the beginning of this article. pfms nic, pfms nic, pfms nic, pfms nic, pfms nic, pfms nic pfms nic, pfms nic, pfms nic
If you fulfill the demand of guidelines and necessary documents set by the government, then you can now take advantage of PFMS scholarship status 2022 .PFMS scholarship status 2022, PFMS scholarship status 2022, PFMS scholarship status 2022. nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp, nsp,
Q 10. Who are eligible for PFMS / PFMS? PFMS scholarship status 2022
- • Students who have passed 12th standard are eligible for 20% merit scholarship.
- • The age of the student should be between 18 and 25 years.
- • Annual family income should be less than 6 lakhs. pfms meaning
Note: – There are many more criteria which we have told you above this article.
Note: – In this article of today, you got a lot of information related to PFMS, because of this article you learned ..
PFMS, PFMS scholarship 2022, PFMS scholarship apply, PFMS scholarship eligibility and criteria, PFMS / dbt payment, PFMS registration 2022, PFMS status check, PFMS scholarship status check, PFMS portal, PFMS scholarship status, PFMS scholarship apply
Note: – We give such articles daily through our website . So you must follow our website.
If you liked this article, do not forget to like and share it, if you want any more information about PFMS , you can ask through comments.
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FAQ Payment Status, PFMS Scholarship 2022, Online, pfms nic
There is no latest information about the application date of PFMS scholarship 2021 so far, if any information about the latest date comes from the PFMS official website, we will make it available to you through this article on our website. Till then you can bookmark this article and keep it.
While Aadhaar based payment is preferred over PFMS / dbt payment , if the Aadhaar based payment is rejected by the bank, in such a case the beneficiary can take automatic account based payment.
It depends Aadhar based payment (PFMS / dbt payment) is preferred by PFMS .
But if the Aadhar card number is not linked to the bank account, then that payment will be rejected by the bank, in such a situation, the bank can also make an account based payment instead of PFMS Aadhaar based payment.
When the officer comes to the list of paying a large number of beneficiaries, ie if the number of students is 500 or more, then in such a situation, you can use the Excel upload option
Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a platform through which E-PAYMENT subsidy is paid through Direct benefit transfer (DBT) which is done through Aadhaar card or bank transfers which are done without Aadhar card. Is done through NPCI .
All these transactions are handled under PFMS Account Status.
PFMS i.e. Public financial management system is a system used by government agencies to make direct benefit transfer (PFMS / dbt payment) .
Aadhaar based DBT payments are made to the Aadhaar Link bank account through PFMS portal , as well as payments to the direct bank account through Non Aadhaar Based Payment .
In order to receive the PFMS scholarship , some necessary conditions and criteria have been created above which we had given in detail in the beginning of this article.
If you fulfill the demand of guidelines and necessary documents set by the government, then you can now take advantage of PFMS Scholarship
Students who have passed 12th standard are eligible for 20% merit scholarship.
• The age of the student should be between 18 and 25 years.
• Annual family income should be less than 6 lakhs.
Respected author,। Have gone through your is very informative and easily readable.
Chhotu Kumar