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Pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Correction Online
If you prime farmer respected fund plans an eligible beneficiary under and the PM Kisan Yojana have applied for, if you Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana any part of Correction want so you went gave permission is . Recently some new options have been added on PM Kisan Portal using which you can file a request for PM Kisan Online Correction and get the benefit of Pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana by correcting your information .
How to do Correction under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana , before we would like to tell you about PM Kisan in few words.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana was started by the Central Government with an aim to uplift the economic condition of the farmers of the country. Every farmer in the country has been considered eligible under PM Kisan Yojana , under Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana these eligible farmers are given a financial assistance of ₹ 6000 annually by the government . This amount is deposited in three equal installments i.e. ₹ 2000 – ₹ 2000 in 1 year through direct bank transfer DBT in the bank account of the farmers .
Where can a farmer of ₹ 6000 be used
Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana , the money that is given to farmers for ₹ 6000 per year can be used by the farmer in his farming, using PM Kisan installment , the farmer can complete his farming by arranging manure, seeds etc. for farming. Can do and they don’t even need to take a loan from the Seth money lender to do this.
Step by Step to Check Pm Kisan 12th Installment
- ✅ 1. सबसे पहले पीएम किसान की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं जिसका लिंक नीचे दिया गया है।
- https://pmkisan.gov.in/
- ✅ 2. आपके सामने एक होमपेज खुला होगा जिसके दाई और फार्मर कॉर्नर सेक्शन होगा
- ✅ 3. farmers corner section के नीचे beneficiary status लिखा होगा उस पर क्लिक करें।
- ✅ 4. आपके सामने स्टेटस चेक करने के तीन ऑप्शन होंगे। 1.आधार कार्ड 2. अकाउंट नंबर और 3. मोबाइल नंबर
- ✅ 5. इन तीनों में से आप अपनी सुविधा के अनुसार किसी एक पर क्लिक करके नंबर दर्ज करें।
- ✅ 6. उसके बाद क्लिक डाटा पर क्लिक करते ही आपके सामने पीएम किसान स्टेटस खुल जाएगा
How to check pm Kisan beneficiary list
- ✅ 1. सबसे पहले पीएम किसान के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
- ✅ 2. farmers corner section मैं जाएं।
- ✅ 3. beneficiary list पर क्लिक करें।
- ✅ 4. उसके बाद अब अपने state district sub district block और village को सेलेक्ट करें।
- ✅ 5. उसके बाद get report पर क्लिक करते ही आपके सामने बेनिफिशियरी लिस्ट हो जाएगा।
pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 11वीं किस्त आपके खाते में, देखे नया लिस्ट। pm Kisan List
Pm Kisan योजना 2022 || Pm Kisan App कैसे डाउनलोड करें || pm Kisan List कैसे देखें || pm Kisan Aadhar Link कैसे होता है || pmKisan help line Number कहां से मिलेगा, pm kisan samman nidhi
pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 9वीं किस्त का किसानों के लिए बहुत बड़ी खुशखबरी है अगले कुछ दिनों के अंदर आप सभी के खाते नई तीसरी और योजना की शुरुआत से 9वीं के आना शुरू हो जाएगी मोदी सरकार द्वारा सालाना ₹6000 की तीन किस्तों में देती है हर साल 1 अप्रैल से जुलाई और दूसरी किस्त अगस्त से नवंबर और 21 दिसंबर से मार्च तक आ जाती है इस साल की तीसरी किस्त 1 दिसंबर से आनी शुरू हो जाएगी इसके ऊपर पूरा विस्तार मैं जानते हैं नीचे दी गई आर्टिकल को अच्छी तरह पढ़े और समझे?
Objectives of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana
- ➡️ Every farmer of the country has been considered as the eligible beneficiary of PM Kisan and they are being given the benefit of PM Kisan Yojana .
- ➡️ To provide financial assistance of ₹ 6000 annually to the farmers of the country.
- ➡️ By taking advantage of this scheme, somewhere the debt burden from the farmers will be reduced and they will become self-sufficient.
- ➡️ Farmers who are availing the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme are also eligible for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
- ➡️ If the farmer PM farmer applies for KCC , then he can get a loan of up to ₹ 300000 on credit card .
KCC, Kisan credit card Yojana | Pm Kisan List Update On Pm kisan Portal |
Pm Kisan Online Registration And Correction | Pm Kisan FPO Yojana |
Benefits of PM Kisan Yojana
- ➡️ Economic condition of farmers is improving.
- ➡️ The central government is providing financial assistance of ₹ 6000 to every farmer registered under PM Kisan Yojana .
- ➡️ Farmers get money on time for farming, from which they are able to purchase seeds and fertilizers.
- ➡️ PM Kisan Yojana is started at present time and every farmer of the country can apply under this scheme.
- ➡️ A lot of senior officials also say from the sources, because the PM Kisan Yojana is a scheme launched by the Central Government for the biggest farmers, so the annual amount received under it should be increased.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme Highlights
Name of scheme | Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana |
Was launched | By the central government |
Beneficiary | Every farmer of the country |
an objective | To provide financial assistance to farmers and make them available annually. |
Benefit | Financial assistance of ₹ 6000 to eligible beneficiary annually under the scheme |
Type of application | Online and offline |
Can be applied | (1.) Through himself at pmkisan.gov.in, (2.) Offline through the nearest Common Service Center (3.) By going to the offline agriculture office or contacting the Agricultural Advisor. |
How to do PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Correction Online?
We have already told you that a new option has been added on ass using which beneficiary farmers can make any correction in their application. If you want to make any improvement in your PM kisan application too, then you have to adopt the procedure given below.
What can be improved online in PM Kisan Application?
If you want to improve PM farmer then the following problem can be rectified online or complaint can be made for correction.
- ➡️ Account Number Is Not Correct
- ➡️ Online Application Is Pending For Approval
- ➡️ Installment Not Received
- ➡️ Transaction Failed
- ➡️ Problem In Aadhar Correction
- ➡️ Correct Gender Is Not Showing
Note: – Now youcan applyonlinethrough PM Kisan Portal tosolve the above problem. Note that by using this option, you are only telling the PM Kisan Adhikari that you want to rectify your problem or this mistake under PM Kisan, not that you are applying for improvement.
What option can be improved by using the PM farmer option.
1. Account number is not correct
If you want to improve your bank account number under PM Kisan Yojana or change it, then you have to use the option of Account Number Is Not Correct .
2. Online Application Is Pending For Approval
If you PM Kisan Registration had and yet your Applications Approval is not in a situation where you Is Pending For Approval Application Online enter details about using options Submit can. By using this option, your application will increase the chance of getting approved quickly.
3. Installment Not Received
If you have not received the installment money under PM Kisan Yojana or till now you have not received a single installment amount under PM Kisan Yojana , then in such a situation you can enter your information using the option of Installment Not Received .
4. Transaction Failed
If you are checking your PM Kisan Status under PM Kisan Yojana and your transaction amount is showing Transaction Failed , then in such a situation you can file a complaint using Transaction Failed option. By using this option, more level problem is solved and PM farmer money reaches your bank account.
5. Problem in Aadhar Correction
If you have entered wrong Aadhaar number while applying under PM Kisan Yojana or for some reason your Aadhaar number has gone wrong and you are not able to correct it, then in such a situation you can use the option of Problem in Aadhar Correction And file a complaint for amendment of your Aadhaar number.
6. Correct Gender Is Not Showing
On checking PM Kisan Status under PM Kisan Yojana , if your Gender is showing wrong gender and you want to rectify it, then in such a situation you have to file a complaint using the option Correct Gender is not showing .
So till now, you have received information about the new option linked on the PM Kisan Portal and its usage, how will the amendment be done under the PM Kisan Yojana.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Correction Online
- ➡️First beneficiary farmer PM Kisan Samman Nidhi ‘s official website pmkisan. gov. in visit. pmkisan. gov. in order to go on , click here ↗️
- ➡️ Pmkisn. gov. As soon as you go to in , its home page will come in front of you . As shown here below.
- ➡️ Pmkisn. gov. In Home Page in the side at the Farmer’s corner will see the option, Farmer Corner Option is you get to see a lot of things, but the bottom of the Help-Desk will see an option. As shown here.
- ➡️ Help Desk- click option will come to open a new page in front of you, as you can see here.
- ➡️ On this page, first you have to enter either the Aadhaar number or the account number otherwise the mobile number and click on the button of Gate Data .
- ➡️ As soon as you enter your information and click on Gate data , a window will open in front of you, where you will see the information of PM Kisan Yojana Status . As shown here.
- ➡️ On this page you can see everything and you can also find out what is wrong and what is right in your PM Kisan application.
- ➡️ the most down Description box will see above you Grievance Type A Box will see.
- ➡️ Whatever you want to improve in Grievance Type , we have to use that option as mentioned above.
- ➡️ Let’s say that if you want to amend your bank account, here you have to select the option of Account Number Is Not Corrected .
- ➡️ Now you have to enter the information of the new account number you want to correct or change and click on the submit button.
- ➡️ As soon as you have submitted a complaint to the PM Kisan official for changing the bank account number under the PM Kisan Yojana, now within a few days the bank account information under your PM Kisan will be revised.
Note: The thing to note is that using this new option, you are only telling the PM Kisan officials that the bank account information under your PM Kisan Yojana is wrong and you want to update this new bank account Huh .
Method of writing the format for modification to the description box.
When you apply for amendment, you have to write the description under 500 sentences, that is, you can write the whole thing either in Hindi or English.
I assume here that if you want to improve bank account under PM Kisan Yojana, then how to write the description for it.
I am giving you the format below here, you can use it, just you have to enter your information.
Dear Pm Kisan Help Desk Team,
My Bank Account Detail Is Not Correct In My Pm Kisan Application I Want To Correct My Bank Account Detail.
My New Bank Account Detail Are Mentioned Below
Account Number: –
Account Holder Name: –
IFSC Code: –
Bank Name: –
Branch Name: –
Note: – You can use this format given by us to improve your bank account, but here you have to submit your correct bank account information.
How to write the description in Hindi for bank account correction?
Respected PM Kisan Help Desk Steam,
My bank account details are not correct in PM Kisan application. I want to correct this.
My new bank account that I want to add is given below.
Bank Account Number: –
Name of Account Holder: –
IFSC Code: –
Bank Name: –
Branch Name: –
Note: – You can use any format given by us in English or Hindi for bank account correction.
FAQ PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Correction Online
Q 1. How do correct bank accounts in Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana?
You can improve the bank account in PM Kisan Yojana by using the new option linked on PM Kisan Portal. For this you have to go to PM Kisan Portal using the helpdesk option under Farmer’s Corner and using the option of Account Is Not Correct in Grievance Type , you have to submit your information by submitting your information. We have explained the entire process in detail above the article. Click here to read.
Q 1. How is PM Kisan Yojana amended?
You can amend the PM Kisan Yojana both online and offline. Offline you can make amendments by going to your nearest Common Service Center or you can also amend the PM Kisan Yojana by contacting the Agricultural Advisor, otherwise the Agricultural Office. You can amend online through PM Kisan Portal.
Q 3. Which farmers are eligible for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana?
Every farmer of the country is eligible for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana provided he / she does farming. The farmer should not have paid income tax in the financial year and he should not be a government job holder either. The farmer should not be a minister or even a MP.
Q 4. How do PM farmers check status?
You can check PM Kisan status by visiting PM Kisan portal, otherwise you can get information about PM Kisan status by calling helpline number. PM-Kisan Helpline No. Is 011-24300606.
Q 5. What does PM Kisan FTO stand for?
State / UT governments are there to ensure the correctness of the beneficiary details, including their Aadhaar number, bank account number and IFSC code of the bank. … State / UT Government to generate digitally signed fund transfer order (FTO), district wise and category wise (SC / ST / General), in format in Annexure-1. pmkisan, pmkisan, pmkisan, pmkisan, pmkisan, pmkisan, pmkisan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan, pm kishan
Note: – We give such articles daily through our website liveyojana.com , so you must follow our website.
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Posted by Govinda Raunoiyar
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You can improve the bank account in PM Kisan Yojana by using the new option linked on PM Kisan Portal. For this you have to go to PM Kisan Portal using the helpdesk option under Farmer’s Corner and using the option of Account Is Not Correct in Grievance Type , you have to submit your information by submitting your information. We have explained the entire process in detail above the article. Click here to read.
You can amend the PM Kisan Yojana both online and offline. Offline you can make amendments by going to your nearest Common Service Center or you can also amend the PM Kisan Yojana by contacting the Agricultural Advisor, otherwise the Agricultural Office. You can amend online through PM Kisan Portal.
Every farmer of the country is eligible for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana provided he / she does farming. The farmer should not have paid income tax in the financial year and he should not be a government job holder either. The farmer should not be a minister or even a MP.
You can check PM Kisan status by visiting PM Kisan portal, otherwise you can get information about PM Kisan status by calling helpline number. PM-Kisan Helpline No. Is 011-24300606.
State / UT governments are there to ensure the correctness of the beneficiary details, including their Aadhaar number, bank account number and IFSC code of the bank. … State / UT Government to generate digitally signed fund transfer order (FTO), district wise and category wise (SC / ST / General), in format in Annexure-1. pm kishan