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2 thoughts on “UP ration Card List 2023: New ration card list | उत्तर प्रदेश राशन कार्ड लिस्ट, अपना राशन कार्ड कैसे देखें ?”

  1. The best scheme by Indian govt. for every citizen to avail ration on behalf of ration card especially for BPL(below poverty level). APL (above poverty level) can also take benefit if they have their ration card. The govt will provide rice , dal on cheapest price of the people having ration card. For more details pls visit so that you will get further information.

    • Mujhe 1 years ho gaya Mumbai se aaye abhi Tak mai Ration card nahi banwa paya. Jan se online apply kiya ho jab Jai office to bolte hai side band hai , please batao kaise kaise Ration card banwao mera Card kaise banega , mumabai gai , noukari gayi ,


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