Diversity staffing report

Sure, here is an example of a diversity staffing report:

Company Overview

  • Company name: LiveYojana
  • Headquarters: Bihar, India
  • Number of employees: 10,
  • Industry: Technology

Current workforce demographics

  • Race/ethnicity:
    • White: 60%
    • Asian: 25%
    • Hispanic or Latino: 10%
    • Black or African American: 5%
  • Gender:
    • Men: 55%
    • Women: 45%
  • Age:
    • 18-34: 30%
    • 35-54: 40%
    • 55+: 30%
  • Disability:
    • Employees with disabilities: 5%

D&I goals

  • Increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in leadership positions by 20% by 2025.
  • Create a more inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued and respected.
  • Attract and retain a diverse pool of talent.

D&I initiatives

  • Unconscious bias training for all employees.
  • Mentoring programs for women and underrepresented minorities.
  • Employee resource groups for different identity groups.
  • A diversity and inclusion council that advises the CEO on D&I matters.

Progress towards goals

  • The company has made some progress towards its D&I goals. In the past year, the number of women in leadership positions has increased by 10%, and the number of employees with disabilities has increased by 5%.
  • However, there is still more work to be done. The company still has a significant underrepresentation of women and underrepresented minorities in leadership positions.

Areas for improvement

  • The company must continue focusing on unconscious bias training for all employees. This training will help employees be more aware of their biases and make more objective hiring and promotion decisions.
  • The company must also invest in mentoring programs for women and underrepresented minorities. These programs will help to support and develop these employees so that they can reach their full potential.
  • The company should also expand its employee resource groups to create a more inclusive workplace for all employees. These groups can provide a forum for employees to connect with others who share their experiences and to learn from each other.


Acme Corporation is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. The company has made some progress towards its D&I goals, but more work still needs to be done. The company will continue to focus on unconscious bias training, mentoring programs, and employee resource groups to create a more inclusive workplace for all employees.