
IBPS PO Prelims Exam: 23 September Shift 2 Difficulty Level Student Review, Exam Pattern!

“IBPS PO Prelims 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis and Insights”

IBPS Exam Analysis Shift-2: The IBPS PO Prelims Exam is a big step for many who dream of a banking job. Many people take this exam yearly, hoping to get a good score. This year, the exam got a lot of attention. Why? Because there were some changes in the pattern and types of questions. Many people were curious about these changes. They wanted to know if the exam was hard or easy. They also wanted to know what kind of questions were asked. This article will give you all the details. We have gathered information from different sources to give you a clear picture of the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023. In This Article, We Will Tell You All About IBPS PO Prelims Exam IBPS Section-wise Analysis IBPS Prelims Exam Pattern IBPS PO Expected Cut-Off IBPS Exam Analysis Shift-2.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam IBPS Section-wise Analysis IBPS Prelims Exam Pattern  IBPS PO Expected Cut-Off  IBPS Exam Analysis Shift-2

Overall Exam Analysis

IBPS Exam Analysis Shift-2: The IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023 was held in different shifts. Each shift had its own set of questions. But one thing was common. The level of the exam was moderate. This means it was not too hard or too easy. Some sections were a bit tricky, while others were straightforward. Many people said that the Reasoning section was a bit challenging. But the English section was easy for most. The Quantitative section had a mix of easy and hard questions. Overall, if you prepared well, you could score good marks.

IBPS Section-wise Analysis

SectionLevelGood Attempts
Reasoning AbilityModerate28-32
Quantitative AptitudeModerate to Difficult22-25
English LanguageEasy to Moderate24-28
IBPS Section-wise Analysis

Changes Observed in the Exam Pattern

IBPS Prelims Exam Pattern: The IBPS PO Prelims Exam brings surprises yearly. This year was no different. Many candidates noticed some changes in the exam pattern. These changes were not big, but they did make a difference. For example, there were more puzzles in the Reasoning section. These puzzles were not too hard, but they did take time. In the Quantitative section, there were some new types of questions. These questions tested the basic concepts of candidates. The English section was more or less the same as before. However, there were some new types of questions in reading comprehension. Overall, these changes made the exam a bit challenging. But they also made it more interesting.

Feedback from Candidates

IBPS Prelims Exam Pattern: Many candidates shared their experiences after the exam. Most of them said that the exam was of moderate level. But some found it a bit hard. The Reasoning section was the toughest for many. The puzzles and seating arrangements took a lot of time. The Quantitative section was tricky for some. But those who practiced well found it easy. The English section was a relief for many. It was easy and scoring. Some candidates also said that the changes in the exam pattern were unexpected. But they also said that such changes are common in banking exams. Overall, the feedback was mixed. Some were happy with their performance, while others were not.

Topics Covered in Different Sections

SectionTopics Covered
Reasoning AbilityPuzzles, Seating Arrangements, Syllogism, Inequality, Blood Relations
Quantitative AptitudeData Interpretation, Quadratic Equations, Number Series, Arithmetic Problems
English LanguageReading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement

Time Spent by Candidates on Each Section

SectionAverage Time Spent (in minutes)
Reasoning Ability20
Quantitative Aptitude25
English Language15

Key Takeaways from the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023

  • The overall difficulty level was moderate.
  • The reasoning section had more puzzles, making it time-consuming.
  • The English section was the easiest of all.
  • Proper time management was crucial for completing all sections.
  • Good attempts varied depending on the shift and difficulty level.

Expected Cut-Off for IBPS PO Prelims 2023

The cut-off is your minimum score to move to the next round. For the IBPS PO Prelims Exam, the cut-off changes every year. It depends on many things, like the number of candidates, the difficulty level of the exam, and the number of vacancies. Many expect the cut-off to be slightly different because of the exam pattern changes this year. Some experts say it might be higher because the exam was of moderate level. Others think it might be lower because of the new types of questions. But one thing is sure. You can clear the cut-off if you have prepared well and attempted many questions.

Preparation Tips for Future Aspirants

IBPS PO Expected Cut-Off: If you are considering taking the IBPS PO exam next year, start preparing now. Here are some tips. First, know the syllabus well. This will help you plan your studies. Second, practice a lot. The more you practice, the better you get. Try to solve previous year’s papers. This will give you an idea of the exam pattern. Also, take mock tests. They will help you manage your time better. And last, stay updated. The banking exams always have some surprises. So, keep an eye on any new updates or changes in the exam pattern.

Importance of IBPS PO Prelims Score

The IBPS PO Prelims score is very important. Why? Because it’s the first step to getting a bank job. You move to the next round if you score well in the prelims. If not, you have to try again next year. The prelims score tells how well you have prepared. It also gives you confidence for the next rounds. But remember, the prelims are just the start. There are more rounds after that. So, even if you score well in the prelims, you must keep preparing. You have to work hard for the next rounds, too. But if you don’t clear the prelims, don’t lose hope. Learn from your mistakes and try again.

Next Steps After IBPS PO Prelims

After the IBPS PO Prelims, what’s next? First, you wait for the results. If you clear the cut-off, you move to the next round. This is the main exam. It’s tougher than the prelims. So, you have to prepare well. After the Mains, there’s an interview. This is the last step. If you clear the interview, you get the job. But if you don’t clear the prelims, don’t worry. You can try again next year. Many people aren’t clear on their first try. But they don’t give up. They learn from their mistakes and do better next time. So, whatever the result, keep going. Your hard work will pay off.


The IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023 was a big event for many. It was a chance to get closer to their dream job. The exam had some surprises, but it also had many opportunities. Those who prepared well did well. Those who didn’t get a chance to learn. The journey of IBPS PO is not easy. It has many steps and challenges. But with hard work and determination, anyone can succeed. So, if you took the exam this year, well done. And if you are thinking of taking it next year, start preparing now. Every step counts.



What is the next step after the IBPS PO Prelims?

The next step is the main exam, followed by an interview.

How is the cut-off for IBPS PO Prelims decided?

The cut-off is based on factors like the number of candidates, difficulty level, and vacancies.

Can I take the IBPS PO exam again if I don’t clear the prelims?

Yes, you can take the exam again next year. IBPS Section-wise Analysis IBPS Prelims Exam Pattern IBPS PO Expected Cut-Off, IBPS Exam Analysis Shift-2

Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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