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View reference status / track complaint status

Here you can check the status of the application by entering the complaint number and either the mobile number or email id .

Note: – Now Jansunwai Status has come in front of you, if your complaint is not resolved yet, what to do next?

Janusunwai-Samadhan | Get more information about the Government of Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai portal by watching the video given below.

Send a reminder if the complaint is not processed.

If you file any complaint through Jansunwai, if you check the status of the application, then it does not see any update.
Or if your complaint is not resolved even after a long time, then in such a situation you can take the above action.

How to send a reminder? How to do the above action? jansunwai status.

Let’s say that even after many days, your complaint has not been resolved.
So in such a situation you can complain again on Jan Jansunwai or send a reminder.

Note: – By doing this, you have two advantages, one, you do not have to file a new complaint again, and second your same complaint has been forwarded to the higher officer.

Up Jansunwai Mobile Application. Jansunwai Mobile App. Jansunwai App

If you want to make a complaint only from your mobile, then you can also do this under UP Jansunwai, UP Janasunwai Mobile App has also been created, which you can download from the Play store .

Click here to download the UP Jansunwai App.

How to complain to Up Jansunwai App

✅ First of all you have to download from the Up Jansunwai App Play store , click here to download.

Install Jansunwai App and then open it.

As soon as you open the Jansunwai App, you will get to see all the options on its website, under which you will also be able to register a new complaint.

Through the Up Jansunwai App , you can also register your complaint and you can also check the status of the complaint.
All the work that you can do through its desktop browser , you can also do all the work through this mobile application .

Jansunwai log in

There is an option of Jansunwai log in on Jansunwai portal which is only for the officers.
Under this, only the people selected by the state government can log in Jansunwai and can see the complaint and redress it.

jansunwai nic trackpage

If any complaint is made under up jansunwai , then its related status can also be seen through the jansunwai nic trackpage .

We have given you a link to the jansunwai nic trackpage above and have also given information on how to use it. Click here to View….

Jansunwai Portal app, jansunwai status

In order to benefit the citizens under jansunwai , the website of jansunwai as well as the UP Jansunwai app has been created by the state government.

You can download the Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai app from the Play Store. Click here to download the Jansunwai app.

FAQs / FAQs.

What is public hearing?

Government of Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai-Samadhan has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government to bring the citizens of Uttar Pradesh to the state government.
Any citizen of Uttar Pradesh can make online complaint through Jansunavai and the complaint is redressed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Through Samadhan Jansunwai portal more facilities are given to citizens, on which we have not already expanded., igrs,igrs

What kind of complaints will not be accepted on Jansunwai portal?

The following complaints will not be registered on Jansunwai portal.

How long are the complaints filed on public hearing?

Although complaints filed on public hearing are resolved within about 30 days, but this is also not necessary.
How big the complaint is and how the concerned department is acting on it also matters.
So you keep checking the status of complaints made on public hearing from time to time so that you can get better information and you get the status of your complaint through SMS from time to time.

How to complain against the officials with public hearing?

First of all, go to Janasunwai portal, click on the new complaint registration button, enter the mobile number email id, login and submit the new registration form for the complaint, by entering the information of the complaint related to the officer concerned.

How many days is the solution done by public hearing?

As we told you, the complaints made by public hearing are resolved within about 30 days but it depends on your complaint and the department concerned.

Note: – In today’s article, we will tell you many things related to public hearing.
We told you in this article
Jansunwai, Jansunwai Portal, Jansunwai UP., UP Jansunwai, Jansunwai Status, Jansunwai NIC, Jansunwai Login, jansunwai log in, jansunwai nic trackpage, jansunwai portal app, jansunwai portal mobile app, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, igrsup, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, cm helpline, igrs, igrs, igrs igrs igrs igrs igrs igrs igrs igrs 

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What is public hearing?

Government of Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai-Samadhan has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government to bring the citizens of Uttar Pradesh to the state government.
Any citizen of Uttar Pradesh can make online complaint through and the complaint is redressed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Through Samadhan Jansunwai portal more facilities are given to citizens, on which we have not already expanded.igrs

What kind of complaints will not be accepted on Jansunwai portal?

The following complaints will not be registered
Matters related to Right to Information igrs
Case under consideration by Honorable Court
Demand for financial aid or job
Service transfer literature of government servants till they have used the options available in the department.igrs

How long are the complaints filed on public hearing?

Although complaints filed on public hearing are resolved within about 30 days, but this is also not necessary.
How big the complaint is and how the concerned department is acting on it also matters.
So you keep checking the status of complaints made on public hearing from time to time so that you can get better information and you get the status of your complaint through SMS from time to time

How to complain against the officials with public hearing?

First of all, go to Janasunwai portal, click on the new complaint registration button, enter the mobile number email id, login and submit the new registration form for the complaint, by entering the information of the complaint related to the officer concerned.

How many days is the solution done by public hearing?

As we told you, the complaints made by public hearing are resolved within about 30 days but it depends on your complaint and the department concerned.

Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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