
Voter ID Verification 2023 : Check Online & Offline Process in India!

Voter ID Verification Voter ID Verification Steps to Download Voter Id Voter ID Verification Procedure Voter ID Verification Objective Voter ID Verification 2023

Voter ID Verification in India, Voter Card Verification Online & Offline Process, Check Documents Required, Benefits & Features!


A voter identification card is an essential document that serves as proof of identity and residence, and also enables an individual to exercise their right to vote. The application for a voter ID can be submitted both online and offline. For those who prefer the online method, they can obtain the necessary paperwork from the Chief Electoral Officer on their region’s website. The applicant must complete the relevant form and submit it along with the required documents. In order to obtain more information about Voter ID Verification such as its highlights, objectives, benefits, features, Indian Voter ID Verification Procedure, and more, please continue reading below.

Voter ID Verification 2023

Ensuring that only eligible citizens exercise their right to vote requires verifying their identification, which is why possessing a voter ID card in India is mandatory. This card not only serves as legal identification for residents but also enables them to vote. Recently, the Political Decision Commission of India released a PDF version of the Enhanced Citizen ID Card, also called the Voter Photograph Personality Card or E-EPIC. The card can be printed, laminated, and stored in a Digi locker using a phone or computer. As the E-EPIC is in a non-editable format, it displays the holder’s status as an Indian voter registered to vote.

At present, the E-EPIC is only available to new registrations, and it features a secure QR code containing essential data such as the serial number, part number, and demographic data. This card can be downloaded from the National Voter Service Portal, Voter Portal, and Voter Helpline Mobile App, and by providing the form reference number. A 250 KB file is required to download the card.

Voter ID Verification Highlights!

Name Voter ID Verification
Issued by Chief Electoral Officer
Objective Verification of Issued Voter ID
Official Website

Voter ID Verification Objective 2023

In India, every political party competing in an election strives to win the maximum number of votes possible. However, some parties have resorted to using unethical means, including obtaining false voter identification cards, to compromise the integrity of the election process. These fake cards have been used to cast unauthorized votes multiple times, thereby distorting the election results. In order to prevent such illegal actions and maintain the sanctity of democracy, strict regulations have been implemented for issuing Voter ID/EPIC cards.

Benefits and Features of Voter ID Verification

The Indian Election Commission recently introduced the Digital Voter ID Card, also known as E-EPIC. The card can be downloaded in PDF format from the official website and then printed or laminated by the holder. It can also be stored in a Digi locker on a mobile or other portable device. The E-EPIC includes a secure QR code with photos and demographic data such as serial number, part number, etc. It is accessible for download via the voter site, the mobile app for the voter hotline, or the National Voter Service.

Digital Voter ID cards are an excellent way to ensure the security and reliability of a voter’s identity. These cards use digital technology to store the cardholder’s information, including their name, address, and other private data. They are frequently used in lieu of traditional paper voter ID cards, which can be inaccurate, challenging to handle, and prone to loss or theft. With a digital card, you can easily manage and access your personal information from any device with an internet connection.


Indian Voter ID Verification Procedure

  • Government website: Access the Government’s official website ( to find all the information about the online voter ID application procedure.
  • Required paperwork: To apply for a voter ID card for the first time, complete Form 6 and submit the form along with necessary documentation. Make sure to add passport-sized photos when necessary and scan the documents.
  • Document submission: Submit official documentation in hard copy to the electoral office nearest to your residence. It is recommended to present these documents in person rather than sending them by courier or mail.
  • Voter Card Verification Procedure: After submitting the form and supporting documents, they are verified. An election official confirms the address by speaking with neighbors and other community members.

Voter Card Verification Application Number

Whether you choose to apply for a voter ID in person or online, it’s important to keep track of your application number. This number, assigned by the Election Commission of India (ECI), usually consists of 11 digits and allows you to check the status of your application anytime.

Steps to Download Voter Id from the NVSP Portal 2023

If you want to download your Voter ID from the NVSP Portal, you can follow the simple steps below:

  1. Visit the official website of the NVSP Portal.
  2. The homepage of the website will appear on your screen.

Steps to Download Voter Id from the NVSP Portal

Here are the steps to download the Voter ID from the NVSP Portal:

  1. Visit the official website of the NVSP Portal.
  2. On the homepage, click on the login button.
  3. Enter your login id and password to access your registered account.
  4. Once you are logged in, the dashboard of your account will appear on the screen.
  5. Click on the “Download E-EPIC” option.
  6. Enter your EPIC number or the form reference number.
  7. An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
  8. Enter the OTP in the specified space.
  9. Click on the “Download E-EPIC” button to download the Voter ID.

Steps to Check the Voter ID Status at the NVSP Portal 2023

Follow these steps to check your Voter ID status on the NVSP Portal:

  1. Go to the NVSP Portal’s official website.
  2. The homepage will appear on the screen.
  3. Click on the “Computerized Citizen Voter ID Card Status” option.
  4. Enter your application number.
  5. The application status will then appear on the screen.

सारांश (Summary)

तो दोस्तों आपको कैसी लगी यह Voter ID Verification 2023  कि जानकारी तो हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में बताना न भूलें और अगर आपका इस लेख से जुड़ा कोई सवाल या सुझाव है तो हमें जरूर बताएं। और दोस्तों अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया हो तो इसे लाइक और कमेंट करें और दोस्तों के साथ शेयर भी करें।

Disclaimer: दोस्तों, हमारी वेबसाइट ( सरकार द्वारा चलाई जाने वाली वेबसाइट नहीं है,ना ही किसी सरकारी मंत्रालय से इसका कुछ लेना देना है | यह ब्लॉग किसी व्यक्ति विशेष द्वारा द्वारा चलाया गया है। हमारी पूरी कोशिश रहती की एकदम सटीक जानकारी अपने पाठकों तक पहुँचाया जाए।

लेकिन लाख कोशिशों के बावजूद भी गलती की सम्भावना को नकारा नहीं जा सकता। इस ब्लॉग के हर आर्टिकल में आधिकारिक वेबसाइट की जानकारी दी जाती है। हमारा सुझाव है कि हमारा लेख पढ़ने के साथ-साथ आप आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से भी  जानकारी जरूर लीजिये । अगर किसी लेख में कोई त्रुटि लगती है तो आपसे आग्रह है कि हमें जरूर बताएं।

धन्यवाद !

Posted By: Govinda Rauniyar

Voter ID Verification Procedure, Voter ID Verification Procedure, Voter ID Verification, Voter ID Verification 2023, Voter ID Verification Objective, Voter ID Verification Objective


FAQ About Voter ID Verificaton 2023 ?

What is Voter ID verification?

Voter ID verification is the process of verifying the identity of a voter to ensure that only eligible citizens are allowed to cast their votes.

Why is Voter ID verification important?

Voter ID verification is important to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of the democratic process. It helps to ensure that only eligible voters are able to cast their ballots and prevents individuals from voting multiple times or impersonating other voters.

What documents are required for Voter ID verification?

The documents required for Voter ID verification may vary depending on the country and the specific requirements of the electoral commission. In India, for example, applicants must provide proof of age, identity, and citizenship, such as a birth certificate, passport, or ration card.

How can I check the status of my Voter ID application?

You can check the status of your Voter ID application online through the official website of the electoral commission in your country. In India, for example, you can check your Voter ID status on the National Voter Service Portal.

Can I vote without a Voter ID card?

In some cases, voters may be able to cast their ballots without a Voter ID card, but they must provide other forms of identification, such as a passport or driver’s license. However, it is generally recommended that voters obtain a Voter ID card to ensure a smoother and more efficient voting process.

Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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